Checked out the Corvette next. Becky sworn up and down that it would increase her bra size if we bought it.........and I was also sure it that it might increase the size of other body parts if I were driving it! Sorta like the boost one gets from riding a Harley!
In the end common sense kicked in and we left Chico in the Suzuki. I lied about buying it; but, it still there for sale. This big problem with the Corvette is that it would probably not become a Classic..........too many made and the demand is not that great for this particular coupe; or, so ses a website devoted to Corvettes.
We then went to the Casino where I had a $20.00 "free" coke.
End of day. It was still fun.............we'd be "styling" tooling down the road in the Vette; but, sometimes we get wiser as we get "older". Oh, another bad point, I put a bump on my noggin climbing out of the damn thing!
Later. W&B
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