Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Cold Spell Just Set In.............. might not even get into the 80s today! And a slim chance of some moisture.

Been hauling out junk the last day or so for big garage sale and still got a ways to go. I don't think people will buy this stuff; but, you never know. I guess if you mark a big pile of plastic ware and cookware with a sign that ses "25 cents each..........your choice" some fish will swim by. I made up a sign that reads "25 cents each or 6 for $1.00"...............guaranteed to reduce the pile of stuff.............or so we hope. Anything we have left over we'll just put a big "free" sign on it.

Gonna see the Doc again on Thursday. Knee fluid is almost gone so maybe he'll get me back to physical therapy. Been doing a little walking..........all the way from the parking lot to the casino; but, he said to take it easy so that's what I've been doing. Only thing hurting is my wallet.

Nothing else going on.........just killing time. W&B

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