Thursday, July 8, 2010

Made It Through Thursday.............

On Wednesday we headed for our annual trip to Bandon, just Becky, Tami, me and the Twerps. It was the annual "get grandpa to buy everyone sweatshirts day"...............and "get grandpa to buy lunch too" day. Glad it's only an annual affair. We had fish n chips, clam chowder and a crab something or other. Watched the crabbers trying to catch some dungness on the pier but they didn't seem to be having any luck. An old seal showed his head briefly and then we headed back to Coos Bay to do some more duning. See Becky's Blog for more dune pictures..........I can't drive and take pictures at the same time...........

Today we headed out to one of the many little lakes and the crazies had to do some wading. Skipped driving to the beach on this morning trip; but, later the Twerps, Lori, Dug and I finally made it to the beach. Beach was overcast and kind cool. Later we found a nice spot on top of the hill and it looks like the troops flaked out on Trace and I.

Later B and I drove into town and hit the, second day in a row we left with more money then we arrived with.

Gonna start packing up tomorrow and the "crazies" are heading back to the land of "HOT" while Becky and I will spend another three days in the area. Will leave the sand dunes on Saturday and then we have a reservation at Tugman State Park. We'll miss the heat wave in Vancouver and we'll be able to take in the seafood buffet on Friday and maybe again on Saturday. Last year it was great and hope it remains just as good this year.

All for now. W&B

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