Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Had Pre-Op Appointment Today............

EKG, more xrays and info gathering. They'll let me know if I'm too old and worn out to continue; otherwise, August 9 is surgery day. They had the nerve to tell me that I had to be at the hospital at 0530............0530!!! The damn sun isn't even up at that least I don't think it is.

Gotta see rheumatologist tomorrow.....will this crap ever end. Just a follow up, the doc changed one of my meds and wanted to see how I'm doing. I haven't noticed any difference either good or bad with the med change.

Weather hasn't been too bad this week, at least it hasn't reached triple digits. Casino beat both of us up today so maybe we outta stay away for a while. Other than Dr. appointments and casino runs we haven't been doing too much lately. This will be the last weekend we might have a chance to leave the area for awhile so we kinda mulled over driving down to Woodland; but, no decision made on that. I do need a biscuit and gravy fix at Don's Diner so that might be a reason to travel South. Time will tell.

Later. W&B

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