Saturday, July 31, 2010
Made It To Arcata...........
We played the slots for a couple of hours and this evening they had drawings every half hour from 1900 to 2100.........our names were never called. Imagine that.
I think I broke about even and Becky gave them a few least we were able to play for awhile before they took all our money.
Nice and cool when we arrived..........and downright COLD when we left the casino. Don't know what tomorrow will bring, Fergie has his routine on Sunday morning so we told him to continue and wrap on the door when he got home. We can get up anywhere from 0700 to 0900.
Nothing planned for tomorrow so I downloaded some local geocaches, he's kinda interested in learning about caching so we'll give him a little sample tomorrow and then he'll probably give us a cooks tour of Arcata. Getting late........maybe we'll have some pics to post tomorrow.
Heading for Arcata California..........
A friend I bummed around with in High School is retired and living in Arcata.......guess now is the time to make it to the coast. Been looking at the highway to the coast.........hilly, steep, two lane and I've talked to others who made the trip........they say it's looonng but quite scenic. We'll just take it easy and hope to get there around 1700 or so.
That's it for today........maybe I'll even break out the camera since we've not been to Arcata before. "Frog" ses they have several casinos in the area too. Hope they are kinder than our own has been. W&B
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Had Pre-Op Appointment Today............
Gotta see rheumatologist tomorrow.....will this crap ever end. Just a follow up, the doc changed one of my meds and wanted to see how I'm doing. I haven't noticed any difference either good or bad with the med change.
Weather hasn't been too bad this week, at least it hasn't reached triple digits. Casino beat both of us up today so maybe we outta stay away for a while. Other than Dr. appointments and casino runs we haven't been doing too much lately. This will be the last weekend we might have a chance to leave the area for awhile so we kinda mulled over driving down to Woodland; but, no decision made on that. I do need a biscuit and gravy fix at Don's Diner so that might be a reason to travel South. Time will tell.
Later. W&B
Monday, July 26, 2010
Not So Hot Today.............
Sunday we headed for Woodland and got there about 1000. Shortly thereafter "B", Rhonda and the twerps headed for Davis and "shopping". That didn't sound too interesting to me so I hung around the A/C and napped until after noon. I hadn't contributed to my Red Brothers at Cache Creek Casino for some time so I drove out there to try my luck. Getting beat up pretty badly until I found a "lucky" slot machine. It got me well and I finally left with $35.00 of their money. Had lunch and then back to my MTV and A/C. Jace had a guitar practice session in Davis and the troops finally got home about 1800. We left for Corning shortly thereafter.
Weather should be in the mid 90s the rest of the the heck out of the 103 we recorded a few days ago!
That's about it for the last couple of days..........old folks day tomorrow so maybe we'll head to the casino for 1/2 price breakfast. That's about the best deal they have when it comes to food.
Later. W&B
Friday, July 23, 2010
Not much doing today, put Rhino away, gotta wash it tomorrow if I get up before the heat starts, put trailer away and washed the M/H (I took it to the truck wash), went to Chico for some meds and even skipped stopping to make a contribution at the casino.
A/C going so we're in for the rest of the evening. W&B
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Made It To Corning..........
Got most of the stuff unloaded from the M/H and we went to the casino for dinner since it was old folks day. Over ate as usual at the buffet and it was half-way decent this evening; or, I was just hungry since we hadn't eaten since breakfast.
That's about it.......just letting those interested know that we made it home OK. W&B
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Sitting At Seven Feathers Casino............
Got my NEW Honda generator running so will give it a workout. Oh did you catch that.......I said NEW generator. Had the old Honda strapped down on the trailer and attached with a big old 1/2 inch or so cable. I thought it was pretty secure. Anyway, was hitching up the trailer this morning and about 10 minutes later I thought something was "missing"............sure 'nuff, some *$%^&%% had cut the cable, I presume they cut the cable although they took it too, and stole the generator. I also had two gas cans chained down with a smaller cable and they cut that cable and took the two gas cans also. All this while we slept!!
Called Camping World and told them to get a new generator serviced and I would pick it up on my way through. Now I got a new generator.
This has been an expensive trip! Might have to go back into the casino and see if I can recover my monies..........or maybe not.
Should get underway fairly early tomorrow and hope to arrive in Corning in early afternoon.
Later. W&B
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Left Paradise Point This Morning............
Weather still great in low 70s...........sure hate to head back to high 90s and even triple digit temps.
Went out the farm last night and the kids were working with their cows that they will show at the Clark County Fair. All they were doing were trying to the get the cows/calfs to walk with them with a halter.............some did OK; but, quite a few of the animals were "winning" their tugs of war with the kids. I think there are about 8 or 9 kids in their 4H group. Lots of work to do before fair time in August. Check out Becky's Blog for pics of the cow wranglers.
Yesterday Larry and Audrey drove over since we are leaving on Wednesday and we had a nice lunch at Red Robin. Today I had M/H oil changed, secured the Rhino on the trailer and then just kicked back for the rest of the day. Don't want to over do it. Later. W&B
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Sunday at Paradise Point...........
Later. W&B
Friday, July 16, 2010
Went To Clyde's Tonight For Dinner...............
Prime rib was pretty good and meal went over pretty well until we made our exit.........Cass and Trace were kicking a license plate around and none of us figured it out until Cassidy picked the plate up and we then saw it was Dug's license plate. Victim of the old "hit and run" in the parking lot. Someone was out watering some plants around the entrance; but, of course he saw "nothing". Looked around for security cameras..............there ain't none. Guess he'll have to see what his insurance company ses; but, I think it'll be a short and sweet "you're screwed".
Earlier today "B" and I went shopping, had ice cream and called it a day until supper time. That was about it. Later. W&B
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
OK, Got Set Up At Paradise Point...........
Think we're in for the rest of the day. Kinda warmed up today; but, fortunately we're tucked back into the trees so with the fan going it's tolerable.
Later. W&B
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Arrived Vancouver Shortly After Noon...........
Gotta get my driver's license renewed and if I can get up early enough will try to arrive at the license office when they open at 0800. Saw looonnng lines there when I registered the trailer so will try to beat daily rush. Then it's probably laundry day before we head for Paradise Point. Might try to wash some of the crud off the M/H if I got time tomorrow...........shoulda just found a truck wash and drove it through. Maybe it'll wait until we get back to Corning, got about 3 truck washes there since it a mid-point refueling stop between NW and LA.
Nothing planned for the next 9 or 10 days.........we'll just play it by ear and kick back.
Later, W&B
Monday, July 12, 2010
Still Sitting at Tugman.........
We had breakfast in Reedsport at a restaurant where we stopped yesterday and found a cache. Wasn't hungry then so we gave their breakfast a try. Not too shabby.........the portions were large. I'd recommend a stop at Bedrock if you're ever passing through Reedsport.
Grabbed a couple of caches on our way back to Tugman so guess we're in for the rest of the day. We're listening to pine cones falling on top the rig.........a really big un bounced off the roof a few minutes ago and it sounded like it was coming through the ceiling.
That's about it for today. If we get underway at a decent hour tomorrow we should be in Vancouver around 1300-1400. W&B
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Second Post For Sunday.......
Sunday (I think)................
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Left Casino Parking Lot about 1330..........
Tried our luck again at casino before we left and I managed to recoup $52.00.........."B" didn't look too happy so we had some fish 'n chips and clam chowder and left.
Pigged out at the seafood buffet last night...........really pigged out and I felt miserable until about 2200..........such is the price one pays. Buffet was cheaper this year, $35.00 for two and that's because we were early birds so got a $5.00 discount. I filled up two chowder bowls with dungness crab, slopped butter on them and proceeded to stuff the same time I was gobbling down fried oysters, shrimp, scallops, crab cakes and then started on round two. Finally topped everything with a chocolate sundae and waddled out of there. Lost some more money and called it a night.
Don't know what we'll do the next couple of days..........maybe some geocaching (???).
Friday, July 9, 2010
Sitting in the Mill Casino Parking Lot.........
Only downfall, we've already tried our luck at the slots.........right now I've given most of their money back to them. Will try again later after we enjoy the Friday night Seafood Buffet. As we were walking into the casino we talked to a guy carving a bear out of a big block of ice........the bear will be the centerpiece for the buffet. I think Becky took a picture of the carver and bear. On our way back to the M/H we saw that there were several blocks of ice melting way. I had a cooler in the back of the Suzy so I scoffed them up and put them in my Pepsi cooler. Ice outta last for a couple of days...........maybe more since we're enjoying cool temperatures!!
Becky headed for the shopping mall...........I didn't think I lost anything there so I'm kicking back with my MTV and waiting for her to get back so we can be first in line at the buffet. They also give you a discount if you arrive the first 30 minutes when the buffet opens.
Maybe we'll try to do a little caching while we staying at Tugman. Looks like we'll be orphans for one day before our reservation at Paradise Point on Wednesday.......maybe we'll chug up the road to Florance and spend an overnight at the Three Rivers Casino Parking Lot..........that is if we have any money left after Coos Bay.
Later. W&B
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Made It Through Thursday.............
Today we headed out to one of the many little lakes and the crazies had to do some wading. Skipped driving to the beach on this morning trip; but, later the Twerps, Lori, Dug and I finally made it to the beach. Beach was overcast and kind cool. Later we found a nice spot on top of the hill and it looks like the troops flaked out on Trace and I.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Fourth of July and Coos Bay..........
Later, W&B
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Sitting In Front of Dug's House.........
and kinda waiting for it to get dark so we can start blowing up the neighborhood. Got here around 1100 this morning, loaded up the trailer so we'll be ready to leave Monday. Here's pic of my new even had room for Tami's 4 wheeler in back of the Rhino. Had to go get a new drop down hitch 'cause the trailer was sitting too low in the back. Need one that drops a little more than 5 inches; but, that was the only one I could find. It'll work for now.
Cassidy and Trace and two of the neighborhood kids are patiently waiting for it to get dark so snapped a couple of pictures of them sitting in the garage.
Went in the house and Ollie, their Miniture Schnauzer, always comes running, jumps on me and then crashes on the arm of the easy chair. Got a couple of pictures of him too.
We got our laundry done this afternoon so nothing left to do except kick back, pig out for the 4th and shoot off fireworks.
Later. W&B
Friday, July 2, 2010
Friday Comes To An End..........
Did our grocery shopping for our Coos Bay run and all we have left to do is load up the trailer and we'll leave early Monday morning.
Went over to Portland today to visit Otto's...........they make their own sausage, hot dogs, summer sausage and all kinds of goodies and the hot dogs are pretty good. Otto's was featured on one of the Diners Drive-In and Dives episodes when Guy F. was in Portland. Interesting little market and they have a bar b que going outside the store where a guy is grilling hot dogs and frankfurters........we scoffed up on two hot dogs and then went into the store to buy some for the 4th and Coos Bay. I had another one before we left. Pretty good; but, I guess I was just hungry as we did some more up for supper at Dug's house this evening. They were better at Otto's........maybe because they were done on charcoal and I did ours on a Weber gas grill.
Gotta leave Paradise Point tomorrow so we'll camp out in front of Dug's house tomorrow and Sunday. Going to one of their friends house on Sunday for the 4th celebration. We stocked up on fireworks so will take them along. I finally took the Twerps to a fireworks stand and they were pretty easy on me............I even bought some mortars for myself that were supposed to be the "Biggest and Loudest"...........well I found out later that I didn't really buy them. That possibly needs some explanation. I walked in and asked if they were going to give me a "Senior Discount". Some little girl at the door hunted down the boss and the boss lady said "Yes, we can do that". So we loaded up on goodies and then I proceeded to the checkout and I began working on the cashier about my "Senior Discount"...........told her the boss lady said "OK", then they had to hunt the boss lady down and she showed up and said she told me I'd get a discount. In the meantime I'm BSing with the cashier and she rings up the stuff and puts it in a box..........I tell her I got a bum knee and can't carry all that stuff. She looks for someone to help me take the box of goodies to the car. I tell I'll get Dug to haul them out. The Boss Lady shows up and deposits some fountains and other stuff in my box and that becomes my "Senior Discount". I thank them profusely, pay my bill and then I get out of there. It wasn't until hours and miles later that I discovered that they hadn't charged me for my "Big Bad Mortar Shells". I finally came to the conclusion that they were also a part of my Senior Discount. I was very grateful that they were so nice to "Old Folks". As my friend, Larry, would say..........."A little misdirection never hurts". Thanks Larry for the advice.
That's about it for our last two days. Happy Fourth of July to all!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Damn Near 0300 On Thursday...........
Yesterday we finally got the trailer in Portland and now it's parked in front of Dug's house. We'll be driving in on Saturday when our reservation at Paradise Point is up and stay at Dug and Tami's for the 4th. Head for Coos Bay on the 5th and will play in the sand dunes until the 10th. Everyone else will head back for Vancouver and Becky and I have a 3 day reservation at William Tugman State Park. It's only about 14 miles or so from the sand dunes so we'll just kick back there with electric and water hookups. Best seafood buffet on the coast is at the Mill Casino so we'll probably do that on Friday and Saturday. Hope it's still as good as it was last year. Can't beat the fresh dungness crab.
Well, would try to get to sleep again; but, have an old Randolph Scott movie on the tube so may as well watch that.........maybe I'll doze off again.
Later. W & B