Sunday, March 28, 2010

Made It To Corning About.............

noon today. Weather nice when we got here; but, forecast for cold, wind and rain for the next several days so we busted our butts getting as much stuff unpacked as we could. Still got a lot more to do; but, will take our time between rain showers. Maybe it'll rain hard enough to wash the bugs off the M/H????

No surprises when we got water leaks, everything seems to be working and only had one breaker tripped. It's COLD for us and looks like it'll get colder.

We finally called it quits and went to the casino for a bite to eat and to get our gambling "fix". The casino paid for our dinner and both of us left with a little bit of the casino money! Of course, they'll probably get it back with interest.

Got the internet satellite going and all the channels working on DISH so we'll just kick back and hole up when the rains hit. Local gas price is $3.12 a gallon...........welcome back to California!

Later. W&B

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