Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Geez......Crap!.......More Problems........

We started out from Quartzsite and the damn red light and buzzer for the jacks were back on............rear jacks not completely retracked. Finally fiddled with that, jacks all the way back up; but red light still on and NO buzzer. Said the heck with it we'd just go. Drove a bit and light went off. Won't be using the jacks any more this trip.

Things going OK until we get about 35 miles from Barstow. Becky on CB and tells me I have a flat tire on the trailer. Stop, check it out........not flat but the tread is peeling away. Find a safer place to stop and put on the spare. It doesn't look to be too good either.

Make it to Barstow and I must have called half a dozen tire places looking for this odd sized tire for the trailer. Finally find a guy who who two in stock so will stop by his place on the way out of town and have two new ones installed. The tread tore right through the plywood floor but can't see any other damage. Need to install new plywood anyway.

We're settled in at the Marine Corps RV park, I made a run to commissary and picked up some pork chops and stuff so Becky just informs me that they are ready.

All for now. W&B

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