Monday, March 22, 2010

It's A Hot Monday.............

and we're getting closer to departure time. Got a guy coming in this afternoon to run a "power" line for me so I can use the CPAP off the coach batteries. I tired to tap into the 12v light wires but couldn't get enough juice to run the CPAP so figured I let the pro handle the problem. He should get here in a hour or so and then hope it doesn't take him too long to fix the problem.

Gotta tear down the satellite dish later today so no more internet...........well, I shouldn't say that 'cause we do have a Sprint Air Card; but, it's slower than a 67 year old Granny. It works fine when we're in a 3G area...............unfortunately Yuma ain't so.

The A_ _ H_ _ _ who started working on my KVH dome for television never came back to complete the work despite numerous phone calls and emails. Lucky for me I didn't pay him. The system will probably still work for one satellite............just won't be able to toggle between the two satellites that DISH uses. Anyway, I still got my portable dish so will still have my MTV.

Leaving "early" (translation........whenever we get up) tomorrow and heading for Laughlin. First stop in about 235 miles. Then a stop in Barstow, then Harris Ranch and we should pull into Woodland Friday afternoon. Take in the twerp's baseball game, I'm assuming he has one on Saturday, and then breakfast at our favorite diner and head for Corning sometime on Sunday.

Got an appointment to see a local doctor and will get a referral to see Ortho surgeon. Still wanna make it to Washington in June so will try to schedule knee fix about mid July. Then we should be ready and raring to continue our travels towards the end of summer.

Been watching weather reports and it looks like clear sailing all the way to Woodland.

Later. W&B

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