Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Nothing Going On Here In WA...............

....gee whiz, you miss an update for a couple of days and the emails start wondering what the heck you're up to.

Let's see.........we haven't done anything since last post, except the laundry yesterday, another eye exam today and shopping at Costco. Weather starting to warm up a bit; but, that's OK 'cause we're heading for the Oregon Coast south of Tillamook on Friday............or maybe even earlier if it warms up too much. It's also time to head for Lincoln City for some good fish n chips and then beat up my poor body some more playing in the sand dunes on the Rhino. Will also have to stop by and contribute to my Red Brothers at Chinook Winds. Seafood Buffet on Friday is a good possibility too.

Later. W&B

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