Monday, July 6, 2009

Monday..........Weather Improved At Coos Bay.........

Back to the beach again later in the afternoon. Here's Trace cutting cookies on the beach.

Part of the crew back on the beach again.

Dad decided that he would race Cassidy up Boxcar Hill.........he even jumped on the start to try to beat her; but, here she is making the pass.

All the practice in the world cannot overcome the horsepower advantage that Cassidy and her Quad have. They traded rides and that's the only way Trace could get to the top first.

I went out to the sand dunes and found Trace "practicing" his drag race starts. He weighs less than his sister; but, she has a newer quad that also sports a performance exhaust system. No amount of practice will help him overcome that disadvantage. Here's where we set up camp.

Becky and I went out to the beach earlier this morning.......there's only one route that we can take to get there and it's about an 8 mile haul to reach the beach. We found lunch on the beach.

Here's the was nice and sunny today and the constant wind at Coos Bay died down so we had a very nice day. Neither one of us took a GPSr with us this morning. Mistake. I thought I knew my way around; but, unfortunately I don't. We went up and down the beach until we encountered "no entry" signs. I took a different route to get back to camp and I thought we would run into the Sand Road that would take us back to the area where we are camped. Short story..........we put over 40 miles on the Rhino, were running low on gas so I finally stopped some quad riders and actually admitted that I was lost!!! They pointed us in the right direction; but, we still had to go back to the beach and return the way we came out. After awhile everything looks the same. I would estimate that we had about 6-8 miles left in the gas tank when we got home.
Looks like tomorrow might be as good as it was today. We still have to make a run to Bandon for crab sandwiches for Becky and Tami and the Twerps and I will have fish and chips. Might be able to do that Wednesday. Also, that will be sweatshirt day............every year I buy the Twerps new sweatshirts.............used to buy one for Tami and Becky too; but, I have eliminated them so I can have more money to invest at the casino.
Speaking of casino.........we made a quick run in today and I guess I did OK............I only lost $4.00!
Later. W&B

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