Thursday, June 4, 2009

"Leeching" A WiFi Signal ................

These were taken in Yosemite, we could see the falls and Linda said it was only a "couple of blocks" to the base of the lower falls. Well I said, OK, let's go I'll take my own sweet time and maybe I'll get there. Well, it was hellava lot further than "two blocks"; but I finally made it and the view was well worth it. On the way out we stopped to check out El Capitain (spelling ??) and talked to young guy who was watching the mountain climbers. He had friends who started out to make the climb on Thursday (they were supposed to have completed the climb on Sunday morning) and here it was on Tuesday afternoon and they were nearing the top. They expected to make it to the top on Wednesday. He was going to hike up the trail and meet them some time Wednesday. We could see his friends with binoculars but I couldn't get a good picture of them. In the last picture we had a good view of a lone climber who had a loooonnnng way to go to reach the top. Enlarge the picture and you might be able to see him in the middle. I guess it's a 4,000 foot climb.

Yesterday we went a caching and stopped at a Vineyard where they had this gold nugget on display. It was discovered in 1992 along with some crystalline leaf gold. This "specimen", guess it's not called a nugget, is the largest specimen of crystalline gold in the world. It weighs approximately 1,568 ounces or about 44 pounds. It's on display in the vineyards museum in a large walk-in vault. Value ---- priceless!

On our way to Yosemite Becky ses, "Hey there's a cache only a couple of miles away".........we we left the main road and eventually followed a cow path to an area where few travel. There was an old bridge and nice waterfall there. Well we hunted and hunted for the cache and finally I checked the Nuvi and found out that the last find was almost a year ago. We presumed it was missing so I planted another cache at the end of the bridge and sent an email off to the owner. Have to wait and see if he "OKs" my replacement. It's a long drive to find a cache and then "not find it". Scenery was great getting to it though.

On the way to Yosemite we stopped alongside the road to grab a cache and I took pictures of my only coins, logged them in and out of the cache for mileage purposes and continued on our way.

so will try to post a quick update. We're up in the "hills" near Arnold, CA visiting friends we had met in Yuma. Tree cover too heavy for my MTV but fortunately Jim and Linda's neighbor have an internet hook-up and have left their signal open so we can use. Still, it's haphazard so may or may not get this posted.

We left Corning on Friday, May 28 and spent weekend in Woodland. We were there to see Jace move on to the next step in Scouting and we managed to do a little geocaching with Rhonda and the Twerps. We left Woodland on Monday morning and headed for Arnold. It wasn't too far, a little over a hundred miles; but, roads got to be a bit steep and winding. Finally got to Jim and Linda's cabin in the early afternoon and there was enough room to park at the foot of their driveway. That afternoon we drove up to Calaveras Big Tree state park, browsed around and found a cache stuck out in the middle of nowhere. It's a traveling cache so Jim and Linda wanted to find it and move it to another location. Looked at the Big Trees and back to the cabin for supper.

Tuesday we headed for Yosemite and did a little caching on the way.

Naturally, the above pictures are out of order; but, who knows except me?

That about catches us up for the last several days. Probably heading back to Corning on Friday and don't know whether we'll stop in Woodland or not.

Later. W&B

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