Friday, June 5, 2009

Back to Woodland About Noon Today.........

Here's where we spent the last four days, I thought there were 52 steps from the bottom to the top; but, Beckys ses 50...........whatever, climbing them took "your breath away". Needed to drop into 4 whl dr to make it up to a small parking area. A curious deer ambled by when we were just sitting around shooting the breeze. Yesterday we did some caching around Angel's Camp and had lunch outside the tourist info center. Old Mark Twain lived in a cabin near Angel's Camp and this is where he penned his "Jumping Frog of Calaveras County". The whole town has a "Frog Theme" just about everywhere you go. I guess the big event, jumping frog festival or whatever it's called, takes place in May. We missed it! Here's a link you can follow so more info on the celebration..........

We picked up a few caches here and there and one was located outside the fairgrounds where the festival is held. Not too far from the fairgrounds is where Mark Twain's cabin is located. Becky found a cache there.

Here's some pictures I took around Mark Twain's cabin. I was bummed to find out that this is a replica of the original cabin. Since he was here in the 1860's I guess I was being a little optomistic to think the original cabin was still standing. This replica is pretty beat up. If you enlarge the photo you might be able to read the info on the plaques.

Had a great time; but, those hills are tough on a old guy. Will take the weekend to get my knees back into shape..........and maybe some ice packs.

We'll be in Woodland until tomorrow afternoon. Bryce's baseball team is into the play offs and they won their first game so they'll be playing again tomorrow so we'll hang around for that and head for Corning tomorrow afternoon.

Later. W&B

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