Sunday, February 22, 2009


so guess I'd better get something posted. Last Friday we were at Sue & Frank's for rib barbque done on the smoker. This is amazing, three sit down meals in less than two months. Frank and Sue pulling up stakes and heading for Casa Grande end of this month. We may have to spend a couple of weeks over there before we head North if I expect to get another "sit down meal". Our rent is up on March 15 so we gotta make up our minds on what to do for the end of March. I didn't have my camera and didn't download Becky's pictures otherwise I'd post pics of our rib feast to make your mouth water.

After rib feast B & I took a trip out to the new casino. Wasn't crowded this time; but, the slot machines were still hungry. At the last machine I played I managed to recover about half the money I had invested so called it a day and cut my losses in half. On the way home we finished up a cache series we had started in the morning and had a mini-event in the desert as new caches were published in the same area. There were about 8 of us looking for a cache and couldn't find it.........we called the cache owner and he came out and even he couldn't find where he had placed it! We kept looking and finally Becky found it for her 98th FTF. Only two more to go before 100 is reached. We might make it to 100 before we leave.
You're probably wondering about the pictures I posted of the lemon grove. I've watched this machine in action and I thought it was interesting. They use it to trim all the tree tops and sides of the lemon trees. Why they do they do this????? Hell, I don't know; but, it's a neat piece of machinery.
This morning we met the Jeep'en Jumpers and Hogan's Heroes for breakfast and then we went out to do a little caching. I gotta get the Rhino back down here on our next trip. Arizona will let me license it for the street..........street running will be tough on tires; but, we could just drive it down the streets and into the desert. Plus a vehicle has to be licensed before it's allowed on the Bombing Range. Anyway JJ's and HH's were in their Rhinos so we followed them around for some caches they hadn't found and we picked up a couple of new ones for ourselves. Fun morning.........would have been more fun in the Rhino.
That about brings us up to date. Later W&B

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