Tuesday, February 10, 2009

More Pictures From Last Week..........

This was yesterday, Monday, Larry called and asked we wanted to go to the Bombing Range as there were 9 new caches that no one had found yet. They were in an area we hadn't been to so we said heck yeah. I think we left here about 0900, made a couple of stops to check on new caches that had been published. On one of them we had a FTF. That might have been good luck for us as we ended up having 10 FTFs before the day was over. It was a long, tough trip into the desert, scraped bottom numerous times, made our own road in places because the Friday rain had erased all signs of a road. Fun day though but Larry and I both paid the price today. He's got a bad back and tweaked it on the second cache when he picked a big rock off the ammo box. I climbed up too many hills and my old knee has been talking to me constantly. We Old Guys outta know better than to do to our aching bodies.

On Friday 20 new caches had been placed for the event. They were published on Thursday night and Becky and I went out with flashlights and hunted down seven of them. We managed two FTFs; but, what we were really after were tickets that had been placed in each cache. All the tickets we could collect would be placed in a drawing for some sort of prize. We managed to collect 15 tickets each when we finished up the caches on Friday. Most of them were pretty easy to find; but, the one the rocks really had us searching. We were joined by the Rainbirds from Seattle and Norm even hauled out his metal detector to search for the steel ammo can. That didn't help at all and I finally spotted the corner of the car buried in the rocks. We probably spent 30 minutes looking for this one. We met fellow cachers all day long scrambling for those tickets. At the drawing on Sunday......guess who's ticket was pulled out of the hat? YUP, mine. The prize was a camel bak pack that held 50 ounces of liquid for a hiker. I had donated the prize and since I don't intend to do any hiking I let them draw another ticket for it.

Event finally got started on Sunday and the sun was out nice and bright........quite a constrast to the rain we had on Saturday. I was stuck trying to sell geocoins that we had made up for the event so I didn't do much mingling. Becky was all over the place with her walking stick and taking pictures. She, Frank and Suz participated in the poker run and they picked up a hand for me. None of us had any luck there. I was one of the first to get into the chow line; but, I couldn't eat until Becky took pictures of my food plate. We had cole claw, baked beans and a humongous helping of tri tip. JJ is the local Bobby Flay and he enjoys putting on the Bar B Que. At least this time a lot of the locals volunteered to help. All in all it was a great success with about 320 people attending, some from San Diego, Tucson, Las Vegas and one couple even flew in from Michigan just to attend the event.

Opps.......I published this picture twice.........you can look at again if I can't figure out how to delete it.

These pictures were taken at the Flash Mob where we went fishing in the fountain. Most everyone fished; but, some of the less hearty souls stood under cover and watched from a distance.

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