Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Been A Few Days.............

so had better get something posted. Been kind of a busy week so far.........although I can't remember anything we've done! Sunday we just stayed home, had a few visitors picking up geocoins, Frank and Sue stopped by before they headed home for Super Bowl. Watched poor old Cardinals get their butts handed to them.

I'm in charge of selling Geocoins for the Yuma Event on Sunday so have been having one hellava time trying to keep track of everything..........hope money and coins come out almost even by the time event is over!

We've managed to pick up a cache or two here and there the last few days
when the opportunity presented itself. Tuesday we drove downtown to help with a BD celebration for JJ. The "B" Team made up a special cache for him so we all waited for JJ to arrive so he could get a First To Find Fix for the week. He's been busy as a one-armed paper hanger trying to get things ready for the event so this was a welcome break for him.

We watched JJ hunt for his cache and cheered him on. Looks like we coulda had a little CITO here..........CITO is Cache In Trash Out.........a gathering to help clean up public areas. The area under this ramp sure coulda used it. I'm surprised we didn't find a homeless guy sleeping here.

We did got out the Army Proving Grounds..........not intentionally as I got on a levy road and couldn't get off it until we had nearly reached the PG. The Golden Knights were practicing so we watched them for a little while and then back to the levy roads to hunt down about six caches.
Today was Old Folks Day at the Cocopah so we stopped by Sue and Franks and they weren't home so found a cache near their RV Park. I saw it when it was published and immediately called Sue as it was only about a couple of miles from them. They made a dash and managed a FTF on it. We hunted the cache down later in the afternoon and then went to the casino for gambling and lunch. I did OK as two lunches only cost me $4.00.
Stopped by to see S&F on the way home and boy did I get a surprise. We drove up and Frank came out from his work area carrying a new walking stick. He had been working on another Aspen and fashioned a walking stick for me! Mine doesn't have as many bears as Becky's; but, my bears are cuter! Thank you Frank!! I'll post some pictures of my hand carved walking stick when I get them developed.
That about brings you up to date on this week. Still got things to do for big event this weekend..........looks like it will be the biggest and best yet! Later. W&B

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