Saturday, February 14, 2009

Made It To Saturday........

Happy Valentines Day to all. Wednesday afternoon, Ron and Diane drove into Yuma from San Diego to meet Diane's family members who were arriving on Friday. We met up with them on Thursday and showed them a few sights around Yuma.........if you can call lettuce fields, rocks and desert "sights". We started out for the Army Proving Grounds since the Golden Knights were practicing their parachute jumps. Unfortunately the wind gusts had picked up and the jumps were suspended when we got there. To off to the Castle Dome Museum we go after picking up some goodies from the Commissary.
Naturally these pictures are out of order so you'll just have to deal with it. We went back to the Proving Grounds on Friday and the weather was excellent for the parachute team. We watched them for a couple of hours and then headed back to Yuma when lunch time rolled around. The Tandem Jumps were kinda neat and I couldn't figure out how they maintained their distance from each other. The pictures tell the tale.....the top man has his feet in some loops attached to the bottom jumper. Just before they land the bottom guy yells "break" and they break away and land separately. Kinda neat to watch.

OOppps.......kinda repeated myself.
OK, these were taken on Thursday when we headed out to the Museum. Lots of cactus on the way so we stopped and took pictures of the little old granny ladies in from of a big Saguaro. Then to the museum where we toured and took more pictures. I missed the "Wayne" canned goods the last time we were here so had to take a pic this time. Becky and Diane both had a foot fetish again. We drove up closer to Castle Dome (center pic) and tried to find the trails that people take to climb to the top. Roads starting getting rough and we finally turned around before we found the access.
Friday we made it back to Lute's (Where the Elite Meet) in time for lunch and clam chowder. A Farmer's Market was going on in Old Town so browsed that before lunch. Showed Ron and Diane where we called "home" in the Foothills and just got them back to their hotel when Diane's family were arriving. They were headed out to a Mexican Restaurant for dinner but Becky and I passed on that least I passed since Mexican food is kinda low on my list. The brand new casino opened on Friday so we drove out there; but, the joint was so crowded that we couldn't even find a slot machine to lose our money. Becky did find an open slot and pushed a little old granny lady out of the way to play it. I think it took about 2 minutes to lose her $20.00 so we left.
Today, Saturday, we had our S.W.A.G. breakfast and about 60+ geocachers showed up for the event. Came home after breakfast and stayed put for the rest of the day.
Later. W&B

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