Thursday, September 4, 2008

Went Looking For.....................

for the house we used to live in when stationed at Pearl Harbor per Doug's request. We left there in 1979 so things have changed a bit.........the housing area, Halsey Terrace, still exists but all units were torn down and new housing built. We were in one-half of a duplex. Housing was off Salt Lake Blvd. The old units were replaced by some decent looking houses. I think our old address was 3017, or else very close; anyway, this is the house that now stands approximately where the old one did. On the way back home we passed an area where there were cop cars, TV cameras and "looky lous" were gawking at something. We opted to drive on by and will check the local news to see if we missed something.

NOTE: 9/5...the Crime Scene we passed was indeed a crime scene. Apparently there was a murder/suicide at a little convenience store. Police still investigating but that's what was reported on last night's news.

We stopped at Zippy's for my chili's still as good as I remember. I was all worn out from the activity so I took a little snooze while dreaming of banana splits, banana cake, fresh bananas, etc. etc. These are the bananas growing from the neighbor trees. May have to climb over the fence when they get a little riper. That's all for today. Wayne

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