Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sunday And We Headed Downtown............

to check out the activities at Ioloni Palace. They were celebrating the birthdate of Hawaii's last reigning monarch, Queen Lili'uokalani. We checked out the local artists' booths and after the members of the Hawaiian Society were seated the "Queen's Women" performed on the stage with a number of dances. They also had male dancers and Becky shot up 14 rolls of film trying to see if the men had anything under their costumes/loincloths.......she was hoping they dressed like the kilt wearing Scotsmen.....unfortunately not. Protestors were in force on one corner of the grounds with their signs "End U.S. Occupation"..........I never really figured what that was about (??)
Anyway, we toured the palace but were unable to take any pictures of the inside digs..........although it was impressive it still didn't compare to Doris Duke's old abode.
We finished the afternoon at a little Hawaiian restaurant in Waipahu........"authentic" Hawaiian least that's what Louise told us. Personally, I would have preferred to pig out on "authentic Zippy's chili" again; but, when no one listens to you that doesn't leave one with much choice except to go with the flow. Later. W&B

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