Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Will Sneak In A Quick Update..............

It's still football season for the Jr. Wolves so we headed for Woodland again last Saturday. It was an away game and billed as possibly the toughest team the Wolves would play this season. We all gathered to cheer on our favorite #57. The game was complete with cheerleaders (the team was getting dinged up so often I thought maybe some of the cheerleaders would have to suit up). The game went back and forth with no advantage to either and finally the Wolves running back broke loose and was tackled just short of the goal. They scored a touchdown a few plays later and score ended up 6 - 0. Maybe the Twelfth Man helps out...... the home team side of the grandstands was very sparse..........on the other hand a bunch of Woodland fans showed up to cheer on their team. End of game and old number 57 survives another one.

Good day except that I came down with the California Crud Saturday night and have been housebound for the last two days. Getting over it now so should be good to go to another game on Saturday, plus attend birthday party.

Haven't stopped by the local casino for so long that I nearly forget where it was...........will have to rectify that when Becky gets back as she's getting her haircut again. Later. W&B

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Not Too Much Happening...............

the last few days, although we have been doing a few chores around here to get ready to head South for the winter. We got these *%$&& oleander bushes growing along side the fence that are worse then weeds! I've tried to slaughter them by wacking them off nearly to the roots and they only seem to grow back faster. Gotta finish them up.........fortunately it hasn't been too hot the last few days.........it actually cools down very nicely at night.

Becky has been cleaning out the motorhome, arranging and rearranging stuff so when we leave we won't know where anything is located. It's sorta like hiding your own Easter Eggs; but, at least one is very surprised when we "discover" something that we didn't know we had. It keeps her busy.

Had Old Folk's Breakfast with Bob and Judy at the Casino on Tuesday and then we proceeded to make our "donation". With all the Gloom and Doom about the financial world collapsing I'm only able to play the penny slot machines. I was about $17.00 ahead and should have quit; however, greed had its hold on me so I continued on in the hopes that I would need a small suitcase to haul away my winnings. Becky was wandering around and finally showed up with a big grin on her face and a winning ticket to cash in. I looked at it and we decided that we should leave. I cashed in a ticket for $20.24 cents...............that left me with an extra 24 cents in my pocket. Becky doesn't share too well!!!

Back to the Oleanders today. Later. W&B

Sunday, September 21, 2008

"Midget" Football Yesterday....................

so we head to Woodland bright and early for Bryce's 1000 game. The Wolves are on a roll has they have won their first two games so they are ready to play! The other team had kids who looked like they should be shaving already.............oh well, what's that old saying about the "bigger they are...........etc etc". First quarter the two teams played the center of the field with neither one getting any advantage. Finally, the wolves scored a touchdown and things loosened up after that. Bryce is Number 57 and plays a defensive lineman.........his highlight of the day was intercepting a pass!

Picture 2 shows him about ready to intercept, pic 3 he has the ball and then all the coaches are yelling "Got thatta way!" Then the cameraperson lost track of the play and was unable to catch up so missed Bryce getting splayed all over the sideline as about 14 big, nasty Cougars ran him down. End of highlight film.

The Twerps added another one to the win column so we went home. I watched college football on the tube as Rhonda, Becky and a friend made a speed run to Sacramento.

Must have been a long day as Becky slept in for about 12 hours and I logged about 8 hours before we begin moving this morning. Another game next week.

Later, W&B

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Finally Got Home Last Night..................

sometime around midnight........Becky had to stop at the Casino on the way home to get her "FIX"..........I left there almost broke!

We arrived at the old airport and took a couple of pictures of the first Hawaiian Airlines plane that I saw...........then I see this guy sleeping when he was supposed to be refueling the aircraft. I didn't think too much more about it until we reached our departure gate..........THIS WAS OUR AIRPLANE where the dude was asleep at the switch! We climbed on board and fortunately there was enough fuel on board to get us airborne so we said goodbye to Diamond Head and Hawaii in general.

Still saying goodbye as the plane banked around Punchbowl and then headed in a Northeasterly direction.

Five hour later we touched down at Sacremento............guess the guy got enough fuel into the aircraft. The next couple of days will have us washing clothes, mowing the weeds and trying to adjust. We'll be heading to Woodland on Saturday for the twerp's football game and nothing planned after that.

Later. W&B

Monday, September 15, 2008


and we headed out toward the universally famous "Blow Hole". Stopped at a couple of viewpoints where the scenery was nice so am posting some pics of the "Hawaii Cuties"!!!!

Waves weren't pounding so the action at the Blow Hole wasn't as spectacular as I have seen it in the past. There were a bunch of surfers in the water and I watched for a loooong time trying to get a picture of a wipe out..........like I said, surf wasn't too high so I didn't have any luck there.

Had lunch someplace (?) and got home in time to watch the Cowboy/Eagle Monday night football game. Looks like we're staying in the rest of the evening. Weather has been hot and sultry; but, the trade winds are coming back so it's cooling down again. One more day and a wake up and we'll be heading back to Corning on Wednesday. Later. B&W

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Saturday Morning and "B" and Louise...............

actually invited me to go along on one of their little flings. We stopped at a bookstore and then both of the little old wrinkled ladies were at a loss as what to do next. Hard to believe!!! We finally opted to check out the recently opened Pacific Air Museum on Ford Island. Ford Island was an airstrip and the location where the battleships were parked during the December 7 attack on Pearl Harbor. On the way there we saw a sign that pointed toward the Utah Memorial. Now everyone has heard of the Arizona Memorial; but, Utah Memorial was new to me. We drove down there and at the end of a nice quite little dock was the remains of the USS UTAH. Photo session followed and then we headed toward the still standing remains of the air control tower that is located in restored hangars that house the air museum.

Hanger 37 was restored and this phase of the museum was opened on December 7, 2006. Phase 2, 3 and 4 will follow as funds allow and will be dedicated to WW II, Pacific Theater, Korea, Vietnam and the Cold War. Phase 4 will also include restoration of the control tower. I'll never see completion; but, it should be a history lesson for all.

Upon entry we were greeted by a mural depicting the artist's conception of December 7, 1941. Various aircraft are displayed, both Japanese and U.S. They have a B-25 made famous by the Doolittle raid on Japanese soil, specially developed bombs used by the Japanese to attack the vessels in the harbor. And last by not least, they have the Sterman Bi-plane that George Bush flew while training to be a pilot.

The floor of the museum was another sight to behold, aerial photographs of Oahu were pieced together to form a gigantic map. Here Becky is almost standing on Aloha Stadium and I also took pictures of Ford Island and the battleship Missouri and the Arizona Memorial. Louise looked for her house; but, I don't think she ever located it.

This afternoon we headed back to the Naval Station as we were invited to take a tour of the U.S.S. COLUMBIA (SSN 771). A newly selected Chief Petty Officer attended the Sub Vets Meeting and invited all the old retirees to come aboard. I've never been aboard a SSN so it was quite interesting.........us old farts have problems traversing level ground so climbing up and down vertical ladders wasn't the easiest thing I've done lately. It was well worth it. Upon departure the new Chief presented us with the coins pictured above. No picture taking allowed so all you get to see are the coins!


Friday, September 12, 2008

Friday Took Us To.............

to the Waimea Falls area where a cache was located fairly close to the entrance. We parked close by and then hiked to the cache area. GPSr was about 60 feet off but we looked at some interesting root formations and then Becky lucked out by finding the cache. We continued on up to the falls gift shop area and found this Hawaiian Temple used for religious activities. Considered sacred ground.

We browsed around the gift shop/restaurant area and found some peacocks wandering around. BIG signs said "Do Not Feed Peacocks".......yeah right, they were scoffing up food from the tourists. We considered the 3/4 miles hike up to the falls but the lady at the pay booth told us that since it hadn't been raining much the falls were not "falling". We saved $6.00 each and decided to look for another cache a short distance away. The area was called Pu'u o Mahuka and located on top of a hill. You probably can't read the info on the last two pictures above so will try to give you an idea of why the area was there.

Here's some info I found on the area......rather lengthy if you care to read it all......Becky hiked down a path taking pictures on the way. I followed her and took the GPSr to try and find the cache that was stashed down the slope. Becky found a "shrine" type area with mucho goodies, including some money........area was considered sacred so I couldn't convince her to lift a few of the solid gold coins.

A Rich History
Pu'u o Mahuka is the largest heiau (religious site or temple) on O'ahu, covering almost two acres. The name is translated as "hill of escape", and it is a little-visited site of remarkable peace and seclusion. Tourists don't normally find out about it, and many maps don't show it. Native Hawaiians and kama'aina alike still bring offerings of fruit to the small living altar.
Undoubtedly, this heiau played an important role in the social, political and religious system of Waimea Valley, which was a major center of O'ahu in the pre-contact period.
The village may have been constructed in the 1600's. Built as a series of three walled enclosures, the stacked rock walls ranged from three to six feet in height and the interior surface was paved with stone. It would have been built by the maka'ainana (commoners) under the direction of the ali'i nui (high ruling chief) and his kahuna (priests).
In the 1770's, high priest Ka'opulupulu under O'ahu chief Kahahana oversaw this heiau. It was a time of political upheaval, and it is likely that it was used as a luakini heiau (sacrifical temple), perhaps marking success in war.
In 1795, when Kamehameha I conquered O'ahu, his high priest Hewahewa conducted religious ceremonies here, until the traditional religion was abolished in 1819.
Situated on a ridge with a commanding view of Waimea Valley, signal fires from this heiau were used to provide visual communications with another heiau at Wailua on the island of Kaua'i, nearly 100 miles away.
In 1792, Captain George Vancouver anchored his ship, the Daedalus, off Waimea and sent a party ashore to collect water. A skirmish ensued with the Hawaiians, and three of Vancouver's men were killed. Some have suggested that they were taken up to Pu'u o Mahuka for sacrifice.

More views of the area. All of the rocks were hauled by hand from down in the valley..........quite a task. I did find the cache without too much difficulty. I wonder if it should have been placed in this area ????

We left and drove into Haleiwa for lunch at the Grass Skirt, passed by a "nude beach" but we were too far away to enjoy any erotic sights.........well, maybe it wasn't a nude beach. Becky took a picture of this old bridge, built in 1921, for her sister who is into old "stuff". Becky said the bridge was nearly as old as her sis.............by the way Sis, Happy Birthday! We were back in Missouri at this time last year.

That about wrapped up our day......don't know what tomorrow will bring. W&B

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Made It To Thursday In Paradise..........

and while Becky and Louise are heading for places "unknown" Tag and I are watching some reruns of Burn Notice. I tried to update my blog earlier today and got disconnected before I could post my update so hopefully it'll work this time. Louise bought her very own computer yesterday, along with a router, so we're all hooked up to high speed service........NICE!
Yesterday afternoon we all headed for Haleiwa......stopped at Cholos for lunch and then hunted down a couple of geocaches. Don't think we'll do much more caching....just wanted to find a couple and place my coins so I could log in a few more miles. The pictures were taken at a nice park along side the beach, the cache was stuck in a puku in the interesting rock formation. We had looked for this cache two years ago but the vegetation was so dense that we never found it. Today it was a piece of cake so I took pictures while Becky and Louise lounged in the shade. Too lazy to walk down to the beach; but, we'll probably be back to Haleiwa before we leave. Didn't make a stop for shave ice this time so we gotta return.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

WOW.....Made It To Wednesday..................

and we haven't been doing a lot of anything the last couple of days.......well "B" and "Wheezy" haven't let the wheels on the car stop turning since we arrived..........who knows what they've been doing???? They leave and come back with shopping bags, hide their purchases, and ask "what's for dinner?" Is that the way Paradise is supposed to operate? A summer cold seems to have slowed Becky down somewhat.....but not very much.

Printed out a few caches on the North Shore last night so maybe we'll go look for them in a day or so. They don't seem to involve a lot of hiking so they should be dooable.

In the meantime you all can gaze upon a few pics of Paradise..........eat your heart out if you happen to be in triple digit temperatures.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sunday And We Headed Downtown............

to check out the activities at Ioloni Palace. They were celebrating the birthdate of Hawaii's last reigning monarch, Queen Lili'uokalani. We checked out the local artists' booths and after the members of the Hawaiian Society were seated the "Queen's Women" performed on the stage with a number of dances. They also had male dancers and Becky shot up 14 rolls of film trying to see if the men had anything under their costumes/loincloths.......she was hoping they dressed like the kilt wearing Scotsmen.....unfortunately not. Protestors were in force on one corner of the grounds with their signs "End U.S. Occupation"..........I never really figured what that was about (??)
Anyway, we toured the palace but were unable to take any pictures of the inside digs..........although it was impressive it still didn't compare to Doris Duke's old abode.
We finished the afternoon at a little Hawaiian restaurant in Waipahu........"authentic" Hawaiian food.........at least that's what Louise told us. Personally, I would have preferred to pig out on "authentic Zippy's chili" again; but, when no one listens to you that doesn't leave one with much choice except to go with the flow. Later. W&B

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Saturday Here And I'm Not.................

doing anything today. Kicked back and watched Notre Dame football while Becky and Louise left to go galavanting around the countryside...........maybe they'll get "lucky" in their travels.

Yesterday, "B", Louise and I went "shopping" at the Pearl Ridge Mall. Didn't buy anything; but, I was able to get my Zippy's Chili fix at the mall. We weren't too far from Pearl Harbor so drove on the base so I could get some pictures of my geocoins with the Mighty Mo and Arizona Memorial. Still gotta go out and find some geocaches so I can place them for the mileage. Probably do that next week when the traffic isn't so heavy. I've spotted a few caches on the North Shore that don't require hiking up some jungle trails so maybe we can go find a few of them.

Last night we attended the monthly meeting of the Pearl Harbor Submarine Veterans Association and after the meeting eight of us stopped for a snack before we headed home. I was in Hog Heaven as they opted to stop at Zippy's........I managed my second chili fix of the day.

Don't believe there's anything planned for this evening so think I'll sneak out to the patio where a nice cool breeze is blowing and rest my eyes. If anything comes up for tonight...........I'll be ready! Wayne

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Went Looking For.....................

for the house we used to live in when stationed at Pearl Harbor per Doug's request. We left there in 1979 so things have changed a bit.........the housing area, Halsey Terrace, still exists but all units were torn down and new housing built. We were in one-half of a duplex. Housing was off Salt Lake Blvd. The old units were replaced by some decent looking houses. I think our old address was 3017, or else very close; anyway, this is the house that now stands approximately where the old one did. On the way back home we passed an area where there were cop cars, TV cameras and "looky lous" were gawking at something. We opted to drive on by and will check the local news to see if we missed something.

NOTE: 9/5...the Crime Scene we passed was indeed a crime scene. Apparently there was a murder/suicide at a little convenience store. Police still investigating but that's what was reported on last night's news.

We stopped at Zippy's for my chili fix.........it's still as good as I remember. I was all worn out from the activity so I took a little snooze while dreaming of banana splits, banana cake, fresh bananas, etc. etc. These are the bananas growing from the neighbor trees. May have to climb over the fence when they get a little riper. That's all for today. Wayne

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

"B" and "Wheezy" Took Me Shopping...................

not really my choice of venue; but, you have to go with the flow. Unfortunately I couldn't find anything my size.........all of which proved to be fortunate since I did manage to save my money for the next great shopping spree.

Weather decent, low 80s, still a bit humid; but, a nice breeze sweeping through the patio area keeps it pretty darn nice. Almost forgot what Paradise was all about.

Gotta go look for the house I used to live in..........if it's in fact still there. Been a lot of changes since '79 and the entire Navy housing area may be long gone.

All for now. W&B

Arrived in Honolulu Yesterday................

with an uneventful flight (wings didn't fall off). The cute little flight attendant tending to our section probably had the hots for my bod as she was giving me extra snacks, slipped me her phone number, and a whole lot of other extra attention. She was probably terribly disappointed when she learned that I wasn't flying with my "Mother" when I carried Becky's bag off the plane. I hope she survives.

Here are a few pics of our arrival......Becky stole my window seat and snapped a few pictures. She missed Diamond Head but managed to capture Punch Bowl, a few Navy ships, golf course and some other stuff. Our landing was good.......all three of them. Hot and humid when we got here, temp only about 84 but it seems hotter. Fortunately it cooled right down at bed time so we logged in about 9 hours of snooze time.

Nothing on the menu today so we'll just kick back and see what the day brings.

Later. W&B