Sunday, July 1, 2007


We drove back to Vancouver and Doug and I headed for the tire shop to get new tires for the his 4-wheeler and my Rhino. Since we're going to Coos Bay where the sand dunes are longer and taller I figured it's time to bite the bullet and get some sand tires. No tires for the Rhino!!! Bummer, however the tire shop said the Rhino tires WOULD be delivered on Tuesday. I paid for them and will check back on Tuesday. We dropped Becky off at Doug's house and they headed for the playground at one of the local schools with one of Cassidy's friends. Got a picture of Trace and his Mohawk........he needs more color. Will have to talk him into using the Pink, even if he thinks it's a "girl" color. Yesterday we had a little hamburger/hot dog Bar-B-Que at our RV park. Doug, Tami, The Twerps, John, Mark and Laurie showed up. I picked up oldest grandson, Brian, as he didn't go to the VGSA ball park where Briana was playing in a softball tournament. Becky, as the official photographer, is really slipping as she didn't take a single picture at the Bar-B-Que! After our little picnic "Boo", Becky and I went to the ball park. They were just starting their second game and we watched Briana pitch the first 3 scoreless innings and score a run. After a pitcher change the "home team" ran into trouble and were behind when Becky and I left. Briana was picked up by another team for tournament play and she had a third game to play. That was a little much for us. Her buns were probably really dragging at the end of her last game. Today........more softball. More later. W&B
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