Tuesday, July 10, 2007


still at the sand dunes. It's warmer today but it was cold last night. I'm still feeling crummy from whatever hit me on Saturday night so I took pictures from the M/H and watched my MTV. The pile of firewood logs have been keeping Trace busy stacking, restacking and building stuff. Pretty soon the wood will be gone and don't know what he'll do then. This morning John, Char, "B" and myself when to Charleston Harbor to fetch some fresh dungeness crab..........yummy......we could almost taste them. Bummer...when we got there we found the winds had been too high the last two days so the boats hadn't gone out to go crabbing. Picked up a couple of phone numbers so maybe we'll get some tomorrow. Some people were crabbing from the dock but they appeared to not be having any luck either. Stopped at the casino for lunch and John and Becky both won some money so we left before we gave it back. Next a stop at the Myrtle Wood factory. Becky found some stuff for BD presents..........unfortunately she didn't win enough money to pay for the Myrtle Wood; but, she has some unique presents. This afternoon we made a brief excursion into the dunes and now everyone is piling into the trucks to make a run to the beach. I passed on that one so it looks like a good opportunity to take a nap. Later. Wayne
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