Monday, July 9, 2007

Getting Ready and Arrival at Coos Bay............

When I picked up the new tires for our Rhino Becky couldn't pass up a used clothing store right next door to the shop. She was "thrilled" to find some "genuine Harley Davidson" attire.............and it was only $4.00. We're sitting in front of Dug's house on Saturday and getting things loaded up to go. Cassidy had to make a speed run out to the farm to take care of her calf. Saturday night was miserable!!! I had pizza for dinner and it absolutely did not agree with me so I was sick most of Saturday night. I made it to Coos Bay but had to make several unscheduled stops along the way. We arrived, got things sorta set up and John, The Firebug, soon had a raging fire going. I just laid in the motorhome while everyone else worked at setting up camp. I had another miserable night but woke up this morning feeling a whole lot better. John brought his laptop so he helped me set up the internet satellite this morning and now all three of us can go on line. Trace looks like he wore himself out. Guess we're all here, Doug, Tami, Cassidy, Trace, April (Tami's sister), Mark (Tami's brother) and his girlfriend Laurie, John and Charlene and "B" and myself. Should be a nice 5 days if the weather cooperates. Some more pictures follow.

Here's where we are if you're interested:
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