Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday.........Another Caching Day.............

and after a nice breakfast at the Golf Course, Larry, Wayne, JJ and myself took off for narrow ridge trails, rocks, snakes and nice scenery. Gave up the desert today and headed toward an area north of Wellton, area we hadn't visited since last December. Quite a few new caches had been placed and we wanted to clean some of them up.

Lousy start........we had a DNF on the first one.........a cache in the middel of a Salt Cedar Tree, should have taken a picture of the area, we finally gave up on that one and headed for rocky trails. Nice area; but, rough, I think we made loop of about 12 miles and it took about 6 hours to do that. Had to go slow.........or at least Larry and I tried to; but following JJ on narrow trails, on top of a ridge at 40+ mph, gets one all puckered up on occasion. Fortunately, we all survived..

Didn't get a picture of JJ's "find" on one of the caches..........Larry and I had found this one last year so were just watching when we saw JJ do a vertical 36" leap............all he could say was "SNAKE!". It was just an itty bitty one and I guess it took off in the opposite direction and was gone before JJ's feet touched ground again. Good for a laugh at the time and an occasional chuckle when we thought about it.

We must have got home about 1600 and after using up all the hot water my tired old bones feel like they'll hold up for another day. I keep telling myself that this is "Fun".

Nothing going on this week except getting my nose "rotor rooted" and that's about it until next time. W&B

Friday, November 26, 2010

OK, Turkey Day Here and Gone, Black Friday Done...................

so nothing left to look forward to except Christmas.

We're in a raging "cold spell" right now, it only got into the high 60s and couldn't break the 70 degree barrier................what ever are we going to do, if this insane weather continues I might have to go look for a sweater or jacket!!

Had a great Turkey Day at JJ and Char's with their family. Great food and company and to top it off I even came home with a "doggy bag"...........just finished up my second turkey day dinner and still have enough left for one more turkey dinner tomorrow. Doesn't get much better.

Well, we skipped the insane shopping today and instead of venturing out at midnight or 3 or 5 in the morning we finally made a few stops about 1100 this morning. I did buy some $9.00 Wrangler Jeans at Wally World, shopped a bit for a new lap top; but, came up empty on anything else. By the time we hit the stores things had really calmed down; but, the store clerks looked like they had been up since midnight..........maybe some of them actually were.

With shopping done we stopped at the casino and I played and played and finally quit exactly even. Good thing 'cause I need the money. Made one more stop at Sam's Club for a hot dog and coke and then headed home. End of day.

Tomorrow.........probably more of the same. Hope everyone is staying warm. W&B

Monday, November 22, 2010

Just Enjoying the Warm Weather...........

......while it lasts (which should be the remainder of the winter!!)

Sunday Larry, JJ, Wayne and I took another 94 mile Rhino/RZR trip into the desert to hunt down and plant some geocaches. Left about 0800 and didn't get back until after 1500..........this is starting to resemble W.O.R.K.!! Took a few pictures of the desert a couple of miles from Mexico and here they are. Surprise, surprise..........there's still a lot of "green" in the desert and we haven't had any rain since we arrived a month ago. Won't complain about that.

Still haven't settled into much of a routine, except get up, play, eat and sleep. Still got a couple of doctor appointments to get taken care of.........will it ever end?? In my "younger" day I used to manage to stick my nose in areas where it didn't belong......consequently I've had my nose splattered across my face a few times and I ended up with a deviated septum. Finally went in to see a EN&T doctor and he's going to "rotor root" out my nose and correct the problem. Should be able to breathe a little bit better after than. Got until Dec 2 to change my mind; but, I may as well get it done now before hussein really messes things up with his obamacare crap.

We're invited to JJ & Char's for Turkey Day and I'm assured that Char will have plenty of gravy for me so will be there with knife and fork in hand and huge appetite. Becky in Hawaii last year and missed the feast; but, we'll both be there with JJ's family and a few geocaching friends this year. Wouldn't miss out on this as last year's feast was outstanding!

Washed up the Rhino had about 3 inches of dust on it from yesterday's desert run. Also was way down on oil from the 90+ mile trip. Maybe it's time to start shopping around for some new wheels? The RZR doesn't really fit me; but, watching JJ & Larry barrel through the rough trails with super suspension certainly looks inviting. Also when he passes me and I'm doing 52 mph makes a new ride look all that more inviting. Maybe Santa will be kind this year.

That's about it from down South.........all you people in Northern areas..........just try to stay warm for the next few months. W&B

Monday, November 15, 2010

Got "OLDER" today................

so after "Breakfast In Bed" I spent the rest of the day loafing. Almost had to turn on the A/C today; but, found it was nice and cool in the shade so spent the afternoon in the lounge chair snoozing. I thought I would be awakened to the smell of a ribeye smoldering on the grill...................this just turned out to be wishful thinking.
Got phone calls, emails, etc. from well wishers so it was a nice BD. Check B's Blog as we went out to dinner with friends Saturday night. Theresa's BD is on the 16th so we celebrated both days.
I was going down to the Golden Corral this evening for a "free" dinner..........they were giving meals to veterans today instead of on Vet's Day. The freebies didn't start until 1700 so I thought it over and decided to pass............there's always a line for the first hour after 1700 since this is "discount" time for all the Old Folks..........with a freebie I figured we'd probably have to arrive at 1600 and stand in line so we ended up passing on the freebie.
Maybe Becky will take me out tomorrow for a belated ribeye or prime rib dinner???
Gonna be warm rest of the week and maybe cool down a bit for the weekend. Still t-shirt weather though. Pity the poor folks up North.
Later. W&B

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Guess I Better Try and Catch Up................

since last post................gee, nothing must not have happened 'cause I don't remember doing anything since Nov 4.......... ??

Well, we've done a bit of geocaching, grabbing a cache or two here and there when the Nuvi dings as we drive by one. Even took the Rhino out the other day and picked up a few located off road. Went to a breakfast with other geocachers who get together at the golf course restaurant. Probably close to 30 showed up last Sunday. This coming Sunday is the monthly breakfast at the Holiday Inn and it looks like 90+ have signed up for that one.

We've still managed to keep my "Red Brothers" happy at the Paradise Casino.........actually I've been staying about even, win a little and lose a little. Doing a little shopping along the way and we visited the Swap Meet on Sunday..........picked up a couple of recliner chairs for the patio and the weather has cooled down so not making much use of them. They're good for snoozing though when the weather is warm. Becky has been browsing the Good Will stores and now has a stack of book that will keep her occupied for quite awhile. I found an old suitcase to use for my geocaching junk as the other one was developing holes in it.

Today is Vet's Day so we just got back from Applebees when I cashed in on my "Free" Vets Day lunch. I had a 7 oz. sirloin and it was pretty least the price was right. Last year they even gave me a free Pepsi; but, got charged today. Becky had soup and a sandwich and I would have gotten off pretty cheaply except that the Bar Maid was amply endowed (we were sitting at the bar) so I had to donate a gratuity worthy of the view. Money well spent!

Been trying to get our "A Team" (geocaching pals) together for dinner this week; but, things keep coming up and now it finally looks like we'll have dinner at the Outback on Saturday evening. My BD coming up and "tbly" has one on Tuesday so we'll celebrate both on Saturday evening.

Well, that's about it for the last week or so. Weather has cooled down at night but still very pleasant days so can't complain about anything. Later. W&B

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Got My Patio Completed Today.............

while we were home and there it was! You can see that I had "No Help" in digging out the tables, bar b que, chairs, etc. etc. etc..................

We weren't home when the guys did the work..........."B" had a Dr. appointment and got some new meds for her skin "spots" and then we were sitting in the casino when they tried to call. Missed the call; but, I called them when we got home and it only took about 20 minutes for them to get here to be paid.

Looks good, they did a good job and told me that the bricks need to settle for about a week on the damp sand and it's possible that a brick or two might crack............if so he said call him and he'd come over and fix it. Since Home Depot gave us an excess number of bricks I got an extra row "free"..........well sorta free since I gave the guys a little extra when I paid up. It's gonna beat the heck out of stumbling on the gravel or on the mat I laid down last year. Well worth the bucks we paid for it. Later. W&B

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Still Trying to Get Set Up................

.........when we arrived I started looking for someone to build a "patio" next to the M/H. I found a couple of guys; but, they've been kinda slow. Well, they are doing the work after their "regular" jobs so guess I can't complain. I bought 150 1'x1' blocks from Home Depot and got a 10% discount.......that paid for the sales tax. The guys picked them up and delivered them yesterday and today they staked out my patio area and brought a load of sand. Hopefully, they'll get back tomorrow and start placing the blocks. Home Depot loaded a pallet of the blocks and I think I got 160 instead of the 150 I ordered......or maybe a few more. Maybe they gave me some extras because of breakage........or else it was easier to load a pallet then to count out 150 and load them by hand. I won't complain. Think a 10 foot x 15 foot patio should do nicely. Anyway, I haven't dug out the barbque, chairs, tables, etc. until they get done.

It's been HOT the last couple of days.........we left this afternoon and when we go back the temp inside the M/H was 99 degrees. Took a long time for it to cool down with the A/C running. Outside in the shade it wasn't too bad..........but don't have anything set up out there yet.

Becky and I did a little caching yesterday around the immediate area.....I think we found about 10 and there's about 600 plus that we haven't found............and probably never will. It keeps the old folks busy around here. Out first S.W.A.G (Southwest Arizona Geocachers) breakfast is coming up on Sunday the 14th. Looks like we'll have a pretty good turn out.

Don't know what we'll be doing day to day.........stopped at the casino today and I was $16.00 ahead for awhile............then I lost it and all of my weekly allowance too. Tomorrow is Old Folks day at one of the casinos; but, we don't much like that casino so will probably pass on it.

Getting late so will check the tube for anything interesting........if nothing will call it a night. Can't go to bed too early..........if I do then I wake up about 0600 and can't get back to sleep. Bummer!