Thursday, September 30, 2010

Still Having Temps Near Triple Digits.............

so we've been sticking close to home with the A/C rattling away. Went to Old Folks breakfast this morning.........our "half-price" breakfast cost me $32.00!! However, I did get a "free" coke before we left the slot machines.

Guess we're heading to Woodland sometime tomorrow for Jace's family BD party on Friday night and then he and Grandma will spend Saturday doing (???) while I kick back with football. Becky got a call from her sister, they were in Medford and were supposed to drive down to Corning today; but, not sure now as her hubby suffering from ear pain. Guess he went up into the mountains around Medford and the altitude got to his ears. Bummer.........can't get back to the Midwest without encountering some more altitude. Maybe they can join us in Woodland.

Got the A/C running in M/H so will load it up with a couple days of food for out trip. I let the A/C run all day yesterday to see how it would do in near triple digit temps..........not that great as it cooled down to 82 and wouldn't go any lower. Temps should be down in Yuma when we get there in November so reckon we won't smother if remnants of summer heat are still around.

That's about it for this neck of the woods. W&B

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Heat Returning With Start of New Week.........

with triple digits for a couple of days. Bummer.........oh well, guess it doesn't bother one too much if one does nothing. Unfortunately I decided it was time to get the Rhino ready for Arizona. Still had paddles on it so changed them, cleaned air filter and changed oil. Doesn't sound like much to do; but, I was sweating like a whore on payday night before I got done. No Yamaha shop close so I made a run to Napa and they fixed me up with an oil should be equivalent to a Yamaha filter as it cost me $12.00! Some gorilla must have changed the oil last time as I had to use a 1/2 inch rachet to remove the oil plug. Anyway got things done and then I paid the "price" last night with leg much up and down and crawling under the Rhino I guess. Anyway, the old knee itself held up well...........the rest of my body is now eroding away.

Still got a big list of things to do so reckon I'd better pace myself to get the remaining things done.

Looks like we head to Woodland on Friday for Jace's BD party Friday night and then he and Grandma will spend the day doing something on Saturday. Probably back home on Sunday.

Tag flew in on Sunday evening and they spent the night in Woodland. They were heading back to Redding yesterday afternoon so they called us from the Casino. We went out.........imagine that........played the slots and Tag won two free buffet dinners. The dinners have gone down hill so we opted not to join them for the buffet. Instead we came on home.

Well, gotta check my "list" before it gets to hot outside. Later. W&B

Sunday, September 26, 2010

BOUGHT AN '86 CORVETTE..........

that I found on Craig's List this morning. I was browsing about 1030 this morning and this Corvette popped up at 0945. Price...............$4,900.00. That sounded pretty good so we hoped in the car and headed for Chico this afternoon. Also stopped on the way to check out an 86 Honda 150 Motor Scooter. Guy wanted too much for the scooter and was pretty firm on his price and declined my offer. The scooter would have been great around town and in Yuma. It was not to be.

Checked out the Corvette next. Becky sworn up and down that it would increase her bra size if we bought it.........and I was also sure it that it might increase the size of other body parts if I were driving it! Sorta like the boost one gets from riding a Harley!

In the end common sense kicked in and we left Chico in the Suzuki. I lied about buying it; but, it still there for sale. This big problem with the Corvette is that it would probably not become a Classic..........too many made and the demand is not that great for this particular coupe; or, so ses a website devoted to Corvettes.

We then went to the Casino where I had a $20.00 "free" coke.

End of day. It was still fun.............we'd be "styling" tooling down the road in the Vette; but, sometimes we get wiser as we get "older". Oh, another bad point, I put a bump on my noggin climbing out of the damn thing!

Later. W&B

Friday, September 24, 2010

Been A Slow Week..........

with not much going on except giving my hard earned cash to my red brothers at the casino and feasting on buffet food.................neither of which is needed.

Went in for my 6 week check with the ortho doc yesterday and he said keep doing what you've been doing and see you in six months. He seemed quite pleased with his own work! Told him I probably would not be around when six months are up so he said make an appointment for one year. Talked to him about getting left knee fixed and he said give us a call about 6-8 weeks before you want it done and we'll set it up. He wiggled my wobbly left knee and since he already has xrays of it he agreed that it needed replacement also. Will see how right one comes along the coming months; but, it already is becoming my "better" knee. Just gotta work on regaining strength in the leg.

Our Hawaii friend, Louise, dropped in yesterday from Redding. She's visiting her daughter so drove down for a 2-3 days visit. Her grandson's football team is playing Corning tonight so Louise, Becky and Mary headed for the ball game while I opted to stay home. Doug plays on the Jr. Varsity team so don't know if they'll stay for the varsity game or not. Anyway, I'll try to view some of the new TV programs tonight while they enjoy the game.

Becky sold her car the other day..........all it does is sit in the we already miss having it if needed! I saw a Honda motor scooter on Craig's List and called the dude today............he want's too much money for it; but, it would a nice little run about for Corning and Yuma. Think I'll give him a few more days and call to see if it's sold yet. If not I'll make him an offer.

Well 1900 approaches so will check in with what's new on the tube. Later. W&B

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday Morning............

and just had my share of "biscuits and gravy" at the diner. Two days in a row!

We got to Woodland shortly after noon on Friday, got set up at the Fair Grounds and made a Costco run. Friday night dinner at Steve and Rhonda with Steve grilling up some tri-tip and Rhonda making up the fixins. Scrumptous!!

Saturday morning we call a call from Louise, they were in town visiting Old Auntie and on their way to Redding via Rolling Hills Casino. Becky gave them directions to Don's Diner and we met them for breakfast. Nice visit and they headed North and we tried to find Jace's car wash. The Leadership program that Jace is in at school was having a car wash so we finally found that, had the Suzy cleaned up and then headed back to the Fair Grounds. The Chili Cook-Off was starting at 1100 and had intended to take that in with Steve and Bryce; but, that didn't happen. Becky was suffering withdrawals so we headed to the Cache Creek Casino instead. I managed to lose a few bucks and Becky won about what I lost.............better than a stick in the eye!

Saturday night back to the Pearson's for spaghetti and meatballs and were joined by Ron and Diane and some miscellaneous twerps. Finally got back home late late; but, dinner worth it!

After breakfast this morning Becky and Rhonda went "shopping"..............guess Becky needs to buy some more stuff for her next garage sale. So, I'm just kicking back waiting for football to start on the tube and when they get done shopping we'll probably head back North.

Weather has been great and even had a few sprinkles this morning............keeps the temp. down.

Good weekend..............our first in the M/H since I had knee's getting better!

Later. W&B

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Did Some Geocaching Yesterday........

after seeing that it wasn't going to get too HOT............We finally found about 15 caches that we could pretty well drive to and didn't require much walking. I'm avoiding climbing up and down ditches and through the woods............when we found those types I just sent Becky after them. Good system that works for me.

Might load up the M/H today and venture down to Woodland tomorrow for a couple of days. Come back on Sunday. Not written in stone yet; but, we're both ready to get away from the stick house for a couple of days. Called the Woodland Fair Grounds and they have plenty of vacancies this weekend at their RV park so no problem finding somewhere to park.

I just received "directions" to download some Woodland caches so it looks like we'll be going.

Well, since I follow "directions" explicitly I guess I'd better do so. Later. W&B

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Quite Weekend After Yard Sale.........

on rid of a few more items Saturday morning and then boxed up what was left and put it in the driveway with a big "Free" sign. Went to lunch and everything was gone when we got back!!

Yesterday we had an OF who has a construction company come and take out the tree in front of the house. Now we got room to park the M/H, open the slides and it makes it easy to get in and out without worrying about hitting the tree. Took him about an hour and a half with it and it was all done. He even used a back hoe to dig out the roots and then smoothed out the ground. Looks like we might have to throw some grass seed down............only problem is, if you plant grass and then water it you also have to mow it!

Went to old folks day for breakfast and then played the slots for about an hour..........I managed to leave $4.90 ahead.........enough to pay for 1/2 our breakfast.

Been nice lately.......mid 80s. Might have to go looking for some geo caches to see if the old knee holds up. Never went back to physical therapy as the Doc said I didn't need any more unless I wanted to continue. Actually, I should have made some more appointments just so I could use their gym equipment.

Don't know what's in store for the rest of the week..........just kick back and enjoy the cooler temperatures I guess. W&B

Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday........Junk Sale Day.........

Saw my Doc yesterday, swelling and fluid on knee gone, so he was happy. Admonished me for the umpteenth time to "don't over do it"! Said healing was more important. No more outpatient physical therapy........just work on some of the exercises to strengthen leg muscles. See him again on the 23rd.

Got up "early" today for Becky's garage sale. I pulled the trailer around from the side of the house and it just barely fit in the garage so we loaded it up with junk yesterday. Had a few tables set up and the early birds were picking things over before we even had things completely set up. I guess we actually got started around noon a whole bunch of junk was gone; but, some stuff still left over. Guess we'll just roll the trailer back out tomorrow morning and put up a sign that ses "make offer.....nothing refused".

I think she managed to sell a little over $200.00 worth of stuff.............believe me, it takes a lot of goodies at 25 and 50 cents and a dollar each to reach that amount. I think we got $15.00 for the most expensive item............a brand new converter box that you have to have for the old style television/antenna set ups. I got a coupon for the item way back when and I think I paid $5 or $10 for the box with my coupon. The rest of the stuff was almost a give away...........but it's now gone!

Went out for lunch, stopped at casino and I made a contribution today after getting ahead yesterday............easy come easy go.

Later. W&B

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Cold Spell Just Set In.............. might not even get into the 80s today! And a slim chance of some moisture.

Been hauling out junk the last day or so for big garage sale and still got a ways to go. I don't think people will buy this stuff; but, you never know. I guess if you mark a big pile of plastic ware and cookware with a sign that ses "25 cents each..........your choice" some fish will swim by. I made up a sign that reads "25 cents each or 6 for $1.00"...............guaranteed to reduce the pile of stuff.............or so we hope. Anything we have left over we'll just put a big "free" sign on it.

Gonna see the Doc again on Thursday. Knee fluid is almost gone so maybe he'll get me back to physical therapy. Been doing a little walking..........all the way from the parking lot to the casino; but, he said to take it easy so that's what I've been doing. Only thing hurting is my wallet.

Nothing else going on.........just killing time. W&B

Monday, September 6, 2010

In Honor Of Labor Day..............

..there's no work going on around here today; or yesterday, or tomorrow for that matter.

Actually "B" has been doing some things to get ready for her yard sale........stacking stuff here and there. I managed to find a few goodies to add to the pile. So far the weather is supposed to be in the 80s for her sale days so guess that won't keep people home next weekend.

Becky met one of her old buds the other day and got a tip on a decent Chinese Food restaurant in Red Bluff. We used to go to one in Corning; but, after it changed hands, we gave it a couple of trys and then marked it off our list. Food went downhill.

Anyway we stopped briefly at the casino yesterday (imagine that) and I got most of my money back from our last few trips so we headed to Red Bluff. The Lucky something or other was the name of the joint and the food was pretty good..........or maybe it was because we haven't had Chinese for some time. Anyway, we'll be back when the craving for Chinese hits.

Gonna kick back for the rest of Labor Day and do nothing. Later. W&B

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Saturday Rolled Around..........

and things have cooled down a bit..........had some high 90s there for a few days so stuck close to the A/C...........although casino trips didn't suffer too much.........just my wallet did that.

Looks like getting back on my arthritis meds has helped out the old knee..........still got some fluid; but, overall a 100% better than it was. Gotta go see the Doc again on the 9th and maybe I can get back to some physical therapy after that visit. Hopefully, the last appointment with him will be on the 23rd of September; however, not holding my breath on that one. Hoping he'll turn me loose to do "whatever" at that time. Getting antsy and ready to try and do some traveling.........somewhere!! Gotta check with "B" as I think some of her buds may be in the area Sep/Oct.

Not much else going on here. Later. W&B

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Made It To A New Month.........

.......but just barely. Saw my Ortho Doc yesterday and he said my knee motion was doing great; however, concerned about the fluid on my knee. I haven't been taking my arthritis meds since the operation and he started me back on them and said to see him in 10 days. If I still have excessive fluid on my knee he'd probably have to drain it then. Suspended my physical therapy for the 10 days and he said we just need to wait and see how things go. Told me to don't "over do" it............whatever the hell that means???? Anyway, will just continue walking; but, not too much.

Cooled down for a few days and it's going to heat up again for a couple of days and then cool slightly for the holiday weekend. We've got no plans for Labor Day.

The casino left me battered and bruised on our last trip, so fortunately, with the start of a new month I can replenish my gambling allowance and get my money back.

Becky getting ready for a yard sale to get rid of some stuff and we'll probably do that the weekend after labor day if the weather cooperates. I'm so poor and broke that I don't even have anything to try and sell..........maybe I'll put a sign on the Rhino and see if some fish swims by.

Got an appointment with VA Doc this afternoon in Chico so will get my prescriptions renewed and maybe we can stop in at Costco. Other than that not much going on here. Later. W&B