Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Well, Tuesday Finally Get Here..........

Old Folks Blowing Soap Bubbles.

Before Tiny Bubbles started...........JJ on my crutches.

after a long weekend of Geocaching Events, fun, food and frolic. There were about 350 attendees at this year's event.......more than last year. The main event was held on Sunday and Saturday we held the Flash Mob and Warm Up at in Old Town near Lutes Casino. Lutes even closed the Casino down for a couple of hours for us on Saturday; but, we still overcrowded the place.

The pictures are from the Flash Mob, Tiny Bubbles. At 1445 a horn sounded and about 150 grey haired, wrinkled old folks stormed the area around the fountain and the street between the fountain and Lutes. I think auto traffic came to a stand still during the 15 minutes and passers-by couldn't figure out what the heck was going on. We started blowing soap bubbles and this lasted for 10 minutes or so. People were inquiring what was going one and they received responses such as "protest against high taxes", "the funny farm let the inmates out" and other similar responses. Believe all attendees enjoyed themselves.

Knee still bugging me so we didn't stay too long at Lutes. Up and early on Sunday morning to set up for Yuma's Event #7. I spent all morning long selling 50/50 raffle tickets and "Yuma Micro" cache containers...........those big metal continers that stand over 3 feet tall and weigh 21 pounds. We got rid of quite a few and the 50/50 raffle helped defray expenses for raffle prizes.

Did nothing yesterday but kick back and rest up. There are 25 new caches that were placed for the event and hopefully we'll be able to hunt them down before we head back North. The "go home" date will be determined by how fast I get off the crutches. Saw my regular doctor today and he ordered an MRI so should have that taken care of in a day or so. I think I might have a hairline fracture of the tibia........the MRI will determine that. Anyway, not much can be done except try to stay off the leg and let it heal.

Didn't get any pictures of the Sunday event but all attendees have been reporting the event as a great success from the logs they have been posting on the Geocaching Website.

That's about it for now. W&B

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