Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Here's some pics from our last excursion on the Bombing Range. Our A Team (tbly, JJ, Char, la84fishn, crzoldy and myself) were joined on the range by Red Buggy Man (Don and Sally).

After Valentines Day breakfast at our favorite hole, Ligurta, we headed for the southern end of the bombing range. About a dozen new caches were placed down there and we were in the First To Find Mode.

First collage..........tbly shows no fear of heights and Sally doesn't either. Sally is as old as we are but can still scramble up the rocks with ease. The cache was called Ark and was an Ark made by lcpc28..........the guy who takes a lot of time and effort into making unique caches. They finally located the cache and then had to find the log........it turned out to be hidden in a false ceiling under the main deck. Unique and tricky.

Next cache was supposed to be relatively "easy"; but, nothing is easy when the coordinates are about 35 feet off. Too many rocks and too many holes to hide something in. JJ finally made the find a long way from where it was reported to be. So it goes.

Another cache that gave us problems was a little bitty metal capsule stuffed under some bark on the side of this old Ironwood tree. We spent a long time here too using mirrors, metal detector and anything else we had on hand. The metal detector should have found it............but it didn't. Again JJ was the hero and spied it looking down after he had climbed around the tree. It was sandwiched in behind some bark......couldn't see it from ground level.

The rest of the other caches weren't as difficult except for one we never found. We finally assumed that it was posted with bad coordinates and it was.

Finally called it a day and then we got a little confused trying to find the main road back. We haven't been to this area for a long time and aren't as familar with it as further up North. Well we did get back to the main road and then Becky and I hunted down 10 or 11 more caches on the road back toward home.

I paid the price for the climbing and walking when we got home...........knee area giving me fits Sunday evening, went to urgency care on Monday........their x-ray machine was broken so no help there. Went to another urgency care this morning and they took xrays but can't determine what is causing my problems. They just gave me some more drugs and crutches and told me to stay off my feet as much as I could. Yeah right.

That was our weekend adventure. Later. W&B

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