Friday, February 19, 2010

Made It Through Friday..........

.....tomorrow weekend events get underway. Twenty-five new caches will be released sometime tomorrow morning. We can't go looking for them since we placed 5 of them and know where the others are........if we get around early enough we might take the Rhino out and watch the action by the FTF nuts. If I had a tow line might even be able to pick up some casino money pulling people out of the soft sand. I'm sure 2 whl drive vehicles stand a good chance of getting stuck reaching some of them.

Also, tomorrow is the Flash Mob Event to be followed by the Warm Up Event. For the Flash Mob we'll meet on the street in Old Town and at a given signal everyone there will haul out their "bubble blowing" equipment and make soap bubbles until they run out of ammunition or until 15 minutes has elapsed.........which ever comes first. Should make the "muggles" wonder what the heck is going on and also wonder where these crazy people came from. Saturday afternoon there is sure to be a bunch of people wondering around Old Town.

Becky and I just finished mixing up our super dooper mixture. The recipe ses it works better if we let it sit hopefully it'll be ready to go in the morning. Used Joy liquid soap, distilled water and glycerin..........didn't have time to test it so we'll let the event be our test run.

Should be able to take a bunch of pictures so watch for them..........not everyday you see a bunch of senior citizens blowing soap bubbles in the middle of the street.

Another senior citizen from Quartzsite drove down today.........she had questions about geocaching in general and the event in particular so she stopped by and I overloaded her with information and then we went geocaching. I'm still hobbling around on crutches so I just sat in the truck while she hunted down the caches. She did OK until we parked along side the street and the cache was down a dry wash about 324 feet away. I wasn't going down there on crutches so she toddled off into the wash and underbrush. After about 45 minutes I was getting concerned because she hadn't come back yet. Finally, a car drives up and she gets out. Seems she missed the "get out of the wash" point and proceeded on past where we had parked. We were about on 40th street and she finally climbed out of the wash about 50th street, cut across someone's yard and the man was kind enough to drive her around until she found the truck. She'll never forget that...........mainly because I won't let her. That ended our caching for the day.

Gonna be a long day tomorrow so guess I'll post this and hit the hay. More later. W&B

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