Sunday, February 28, 2010

Started Getting Cabin Fever Today..........

even though Becky pointed out that I had stayed home only "one" day. Actually spent more time than that trying to rest up knee/leg. We did go out briefly on Friday for fish 'n chips so guess she's right. Anyway, I was feeling a "need" to get a gambling fix and we needed to make a quick run to the Commissary. Stopped at Paradise and was entertaining myself by winning a bit and losing some of it least the slot machines weren't gobbling up my cash. I was getting kinda broke when the machine went nutso and racked up $153.00. There's a bank of slots that have a "mystery" pay out on occasion.......we've both hit it in increments of $8 to $ never seems to pay out more. Today it coughed up one of the larger "mysterys" for me. I finally quit $132.00 ahead and we headed for the Commissary. Unfortunately the Commissary closes at 1600 so we missed it by about 15 minutes.

Stopped at our old standby........Wally World and Becky felt like she had to spend my winnings. Well, not quite all of it so she compensated by buying me some donut holes. Fair deal I guess.

Nothing going on this coming supposed to be great in mid 70s. Knee/leg not doing any better so maybe the Doc will have some kind of news from my least maybe we'll find out if they can do something besides pain pills.

Later. W&B

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