Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Made It To Lettuce Days.............

on Monday, which was the last day. Another one of those, been there done that. Seems like same old venders selling same old stuff. Walked up and down the steet and then went to Old Folks day at the Paradise Casino. Monday was "free" ten bucks day. The parking lot was packed; but, we went in anyway. In one door and out the other when we saw the line of grey, wrinkled old folks standing in line. I figure if we had stood in line we would have earned about 27 cents an hour.

Yesterday we started getting ready to head for the geocaching event about 110 miles away in sunny california. Loaded up the Rhino and discovered the belt was slipping like crazy. Hippty Hop back to the M/C shop! Picked it up today.......clutch parts were going AWOL. They fixed it and I drove it back home. This time I think it REALLY is fixed. Will give it a good work out at the off-road event and we'll see. M/C Shop owner must have been feeling sorry for me........he only charged me for the parts and nothing for labor. He probably figures "I'll Be Back".

Almost have the M/H ready to go tomorrow; but, still gotta get up kinda early since we're meeting about 4 others rigs and we'll drive over together. Out of propane so gotta get that taken care of, pick up some ice and maybe a breakfast sandwich at Burger King and we be good to go. I'm towing the Rhino and Becky is following me in Suzy. Was going to leave it home; but, figured if Rhino ain't really fixed we'd still have something to do our caching in. I must be getting paranoid about the Rhino!!

Unless we're able to use the air card at Ocotillo Wells, and the coverage map ses we should have service, this will be last until we get back on Sunday. Not going to tear the satellite dish down for just a few days.

If we can get on line will post some photos of new adventure. Later W&B

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