Sunday, January 24, 2010

Doing A Little Caching Today............

and naturally I got the pictures out of order. We started off with "Two Seater" a cache by lcpc28. This guy really puts a lot of effort into his caches. I'd call it a "Two Holer" and reminds me of some cold, winter nights back on the old farm. It didn't contain a Sears Roebuck Catalog though.

Then I made my first mistake of the day.........there was a string of 4 caches out in the desert with the last one being about a mile from the road. Had a good breakfast so figured this was the day to do these 4 caches. Talked to the owner of the last cache earlier and he confirmed that it was fairly level walking. Now I know this guy and he goes hiking waaayyy up there in the mountains so I should have realized that we had different interpretatons of "level walking". Anyway, away we's one picture where it actually was kinda level; but, you're still walking on rocks. Finally make it back to the road and sat down on the tow hitch of the Suzy and almost never got up. Going in to see the Doc tomorrow for some more knee injections so sure hope they help out.

Spent the rest of the afternoon at home watching football play of which is still going on. Go Vikings............not that I really care about them..........would just like to see old "Burt Farve" make it to another Superbowl.

Still cussing this satellite system as we keep losing the signal, wait a few seconds and it comes back. Guess we have it until May. All for now. W&B

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