Monday, January 11, 2010

Geocaching With Friends Yesterday...........

after a very good know, the kind of breakfast that includes biscuits and gravy. JJ and Char, Larry, "B" and I then headed for the Bombing Range. People down here have been placing geocaches faster then we can keep up and since JJ has to "W.O.R.K" Sunday is about the only day he has to play catchup. We visited this cache that we had previously found just to watch JJ and Char hunt for a devious hide. The cache owner, lcpc28, is an excellent wood worker and really puts a lot of time and effort into the caches he places. This was titled "Mr. Peanuts Water Well" and he placed the names of a lot of local cachers on the well. We found our names and stood back while JJ and Char hunted for this one. Time was passing rapidly so we finally started to play the old "Hot and Cold Game" and JJ finally climbed up the tree and spotted the cache. Not an easy task as there isn't a tree down here that isn't covered with sharp thorns.

We then headed for another lcpc28 cache called SWAG (SouthWest Arizona Geocachers).......again we watched while JJ hunted for the cache. Success finally and then we headed for another one that none of us had prevously found. It was called "Phew" and the name made sense when we arrived. Lcpc28 had made of bunch of little skunks..........three decoys and the smallest one contained the cache log. They blended into the surroundings very nicely and we found 3 decoys.....finally, after some time Becky spotted the 4th Skunk so we could sign the log and move on. As we neared our vehicles we met up with more geocaching friends, Red Buggy Man (Don and Sally) and Five Bales (Bob and Judy). They were on the hunt for the new ones also. Then we set out to hunt down some RBM caches, last picture is us on a ridge getting some of the RBM caches.........the rest were down in the valley, from up here it looked pretty flat and appeared to be easy walking............NOT.

First pic is looking back toward the Yuma Foothills where we spend the winter and part of the area where the RBM caches are located. When we started on the rest of the series we found the "flat looking" area was actually pretty level and flat............the only problem was picking your way through the good sized rocks. It was like walking on bowling balls..........not exactly the place where someone with bum knees should be. One of these caches turned out to be Becky's Number 2,500.

It turned out to be a long day and today we haven't even ventured outside except to check the mail. We'll be heading downtown after awhile. Weather still terrific............shorts and T-shirts........still in the 70s.

That's it for now. W&B

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