Friday, October 23, 2009

In Laughlin.............

After leaving Tonopah we headed down the road toward Death Valley. We stopped along the way several times to look for some geocaches. Here's a couple of them and a pic of Becky as we entered Death Valley. We had just left Tonopah where it was C O L D the previous night. Here's the temps when we reached DV. These pictures are in no particular order.

We had to drive down to the lowest point in Death Valley……….an area called Badwater Basin. I can’t remember why the name……….probably from the salt content of the water that has pooled here. Probably the most photographed sign in the Valley is the “Sea Level” sign posted up the cliff just behind Badwater Basin. We nearly had the place to ourselves when a big bus load of tourists drove up and most of them headed out toward the middle of the basin. Becky joined them and then came back after the bus had departed. Look in pictures 6 and 7.……….that’s Becky coming back from her hike. We also found a historical marker placed for the 49ers who entered Death Valley hoping to find a route through the mountains. If you come to Death Valley you’d best have a full tank of gas. I filled up in Beatty, NV for $2.79 a gallon.

That’s about it for our DV excursion. Nest stop Laughlin. Oh by the way, I paid $2.27 for gas in Bullhead City!!

Headed down the road to the Devils’ Golfcourse……another virtual cache. The area is mostly salt that was left after water evaporates after the infrequent rain falls. Even Tiger Woods couldn’t break par on this course!

There’s a museum at Furnace Creek………it was actually “free” to browse around. This old engine was a virtual cache so I dipped a couple of my coins here for the mileage………my Jeepen Jumpers and FisnJack coins. They had a lot of "old stuff" on display in this outdoor museum......Becky was one of them.

Left Tonopah and headed toward Death Valley. I downloaded a few caches along the way so we made a few stops and grabbed a few caches. Found a couple in Goldfield…….this old hotel was a virtual cache that also served as the town high school for some years. It’s now probably beyond restoration although still listed as a historical site. Further down the road we found a Moose Mob cache at the location of this former cat house.

We'll be leaving Laughlin on Saturday morning for our last leg into Yuma. W&B

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