Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween And .......................

NO trick or treaters!!! Ain't no kids around here...........nothing but 65+ residents.

Weather starting to get crummy........up to about 80, or maybe a little more, today. No wind to speak of.

Yesterday some friends stopped by and asked us if we wanted to go to the swap meet.......we had some things to do, visit to Home Depot and Credit Union on the base so couldn't go with them. I checked out some patio stones for the space next to the motorhome......all we have is pea gravel. Twelve by twelve bricks/stones/slabs or whatever you care to call them run about $1.19 each. I'll have to wait until the lot owner arrives about Nov 11 and check with her. We did get a 10x12 foot hunk of outdoor carpet that I just threw over the gravel. It beats the heck out of walking on the gravel; but, patio stones would be better. Since we're going to keep coming back I have no problems putting a few bucks into the place.

After our early morning jaunt onto the bombing range the other day we were at home when I checked the computer..........two new caches on the BR had been published. We mulled over it for a bit and then headed onto the range. Took a wrong fork in the "road"; but, we still managed to capture two more FTFs as the other local caching nuts were chasing some downtown about 14 miles away.

Today we had to visit some Good Wills and Salvations Army shops as Becky is looking for some more reading material. I think she picked up 7 or 8 books so that should keep her busy for a little while. After that we headed out to the Cocopah casino for our first visit this year. I managed to contribute $5.00 to them and Becky left about two and half dollars.

On the way home we took a backroad that comes out a few blocks from our street and there were 5 caches placed alongside the road. We found them so got caught up a bit with our caching. Still many more to go that were placed before we got down here.

Fortunately, no new ones came out today..........I think the reviewer was out and about for the weekend himself so we may have a load of them tomorrow. I placed one at the end of our lot, Larry placed two on the bombing range and he said he knew of several others that had been placed............but none of them were published today. It'll probably be a busy morning.

Sunday is go to breakfast day; but, we haven't made any plans with anyone.........we'll probably just get up and go somewhere. We haven't been to Ligurta yet...........would be nice to see if they've gotten rid of the flies since our last visit there.

Later. W&B

1 comment:

uws22 said...

you still have a few geocaches older than this summer to catch up on too!

GC1864X - hasn't been found in 10 months, it's getting lonely waiting for you!

you should allow followers on here so i remember to come read it more often too...
