Thursday, October 29, 2009

Guess The Geocaching Season Is Starting..........

as my phone rang about 0500 this morning and the voice at the other end asks if I'm ready to go to the "bombing range". I said OK and about 25 minutes later Larry is pounding on the door. Becky is even up (farming!) so we had to wait for her and away we went toward the range. It's really dark at 0530. Larry, Becky and myself find the first cache, a FTF, and while we're standing there a car goes roaring by and stops down the road. Some more cachers looking for the elusive FTF. We catch up with Larry, Barbara and John, forge an alliance, and we go after the remaining caches as a group. Daylight is starting to appear as we head up the road for the last of six caches that were published last night.

We round a corner, skid to a stop and find a little red vehicle parked in the middle of the road. Off in the distance we see Bob and Judy as they are capturing their second, FTF. The cache is called the "19th hole" and was well done.

We all decide to go to breakfast after the 19th hole...........where do we go, why the golf course, of course. This is where we had our geocachers breakfasts last season and the food is still good...........and reasonable. I took pictures of Judy, Bob, John, Larry then Becky, Larry, Rita and Barbara. Then a self portrait.

After breakfast Larry, Becky and I drive down the road to pick up a couple more new caches. Last one was kinda was a skelton hanging in the tree; but, very difficult to see. Becky finally claims success.

We got back to the rig about 0900. We'll probably take a nap this afternoon!

Hope no more caches come out today..........we still have things to do; or, I should say "I" have things to do outside, haul out our tables, bar-b-que, destroy some weeds, etc, etc, etc.......................more later if we can stay awake. W&B

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