Saturday, September 12, 2009

Didn't Make It To Woodland............

today for the Twerp's football game......and they won! Homegame next weekend so we'll do our best to get to that one. Haven't been doing much since the old temps climbed a bit; but, cooled down for this weekend. Next week should be OK with highs in low 90s.............I used to think that 90 was HOT...........not anymore as it's actually tolerable since we froze our butts off at Dillon Beach.

Been looking for someone to fix exhaust leak in M/H, took it in to a local shop yesterday; but, it wouldn't fit into his shop.........too tall. I found another guy in Chico and he said "no problem" so we'll take it over there Monday morning and drop it off. It needs new exhaust gaskets and some of the joints are leaking. Hope this is all we gotta do before we head South.

Been giving the casino some more business and I've actually been staying ahead of them this last week. Maybe I'm wising up by stopping when I'm a few dollars ahead instead of getting greedy. Cashed in $105 yesterday and $63 today. We went to the Flying J to try out their breakfast buffet and then scooted out to the casino. The Flying J serves some decent food at a good price so it may become our alternate restaurant for a quick meal.

I think we're in for the evening unless casino starting calling my name. Later. W&B

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