Thursday, September 24, 2009

Barely Alive................

or so it seems. Boy, I've had tummy problems before; but, never quite like this time. Seems like I'm on the way to recovery and then I eat the wrong food and I'm almost back to square one again. Been following a bland diet for the last couple of days and hopefully can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Time will tell.

It's been HOT this week so I've been just veging on the couch with the A/C least there's one advantage to this............I've been staying off my feet so the old knees are feeling much better.

Managed to make it to the casino a few times in the passing days and my "Red Brothers" haven't been too kind to me until today. I managed to recover my loses of the previous trips so didn't spend too much time there my money back and then got out of Dodge. Becky even left today with a few extra bucks in her jeans.

Tomorrow Larry and Audrey should get here in the afternoon on their way to Yuma so we'll probably have dinner with them. Don't know about any depends on the amount of time they want to spend here.............and of course the weather.

Just letting people know we're still alive..............maybe not completely well yet; but, at least making some progress.

Later. W&B

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