Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I've got a couple more doctor appointments this week and then should be ready to head South. No set schedule or route we're going to take at this time............we were gonna go through Reno, Las Vegas and Laughlin; but, better judgment (if we had any) tells us to avoid these gambling dens. Time will tell.
Thought M/H should be ready to go...............now the Fantastic Fan has given up the ghost! I checked it out today and I guess the electric motor decided it was time to quit. I gotta call the company and see if I can just order the motor from them...............should be cheaper than a new fan.
Gonna be nice and cool this week so looks like a good time to mutilate the oleanders...........cutting them back is an annual chore.
Nothing else going on...........we're probably going to spend the weekend in Woodland and that's about it. W&B
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Saturday Afternoon............
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Barely Alive................
It's been HOT this week so I've been just veging on the couch with the A/C going............at least there's one advantage to this............I've been staying off my feet so the old knees are feeling much better.
Managed to make it to the casino a few times in the passing days and my "Red Brothers" haven't been too kind to me until today. I managed to recover my loses of the previous trips so didn't spend too much time there today...........got my money back and then got out of Dodge. Becky even left today with a few extra bucks in her jeans.
Tomorrow Larry and Audrey should get here in the afternoon on their way to Yuma so we'll probably have dinner with them. Don't know about any caching..........it depends on the amount of time they want to spend here.............and of course the weather.
Just letting people know we're still alive..............maybe not completely well yet; but, at least making some progress.
Later. W&B
Friday, September 18, 2009
Finally Reached End Of The Week...............
Shop finally called so I made a speed run to Chico to pick up the M/H. Much quieter without exhaust leaks! That's about all the energy I had for today so guess it's back to veging on the couch again and hope that tomorrow is a better day.
Should be doing fine when you get here Larry. W&B
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Got a call from the shop and hopefully M/H will be ready to pick up tomorrow. Exhaust manifold gasket on driver's side leaking so I just told them to replace both sides. Hopefully, no more problems for another 5 years.
Should be able to make it to the twerp's football game on Saturday if stomach problems don't flare up again. That's about it for us, think I'm just gonna vegitate on the couch for the rest of the day.
Later. W
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Didn't Make It To Woodland............
Been looking for someone to fix exhaust leak in M/H, took it in to a local shop yesterday; but, it wouldn't fit into his shop.........too tall. I found another guy in Chico and he said "no problem" so we'll take it over there Monday morning and drop it off. It needs new exhaust gaskets and some of the joints are leaking. Hope this is all we gotta do before we head South.
Been giving the casino some more business and I've actually been staying ahead of them this last week. Maybe I'm wising up by stopping when I'm a few dollars ahead instead of getting greedy. Cashed in $105 yesterday and $63 today. We went to the Flying J to try out their breakfast buffet and then scooted out to the casino. The Flying J serves some decent food at a good price so it may become our alternate restaurant for a quick meal.
I think we're in for the evening unless casino starting calling my name. Later. W&B
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Been Trying to Get Caught Up...........
Weather has been nice the last few days, temps in upper 80s; but, triple digits supposed to return for the weekend. Bummer.........guess we'll be going back to Woodland for Bryce's football game on Saturday..........probably just for one day unless I get the M/H ready to roll before then.
Been keeping my red brothers happy with casino runs..........actually I've been holding my own since we got back to town. They got to my goody locker today...........I was ahead then then got greedy. So it goes.
Just an update to let everyone know that not much in happening in Corntown. Later. W&B
Saturday, September 5, 2009
More Saturday Pics at Dillon Beach.........
They all made it back from the sand dunes and the next adventure was going down to the ocean to look for some crabs. They looked, looked and looked some more and did come up with some itty bitty crabs.
Pics From Friday and Saturday...............
Twice baked potatoes and grilled chicken were on the menu...........better grilled chicken then KFC!!
Rhonda was showing off her two-way radio...........I figured it had to be the radio she was exposing since there wasn't much of anything else.
Bob was a grillin chicken while kibtzers looked on. A campfire was soon underway.........it was welcome as the wind had picked up and it started getting COLD after the sun went down.
I think Brad, Steve and Bob spotted a "nude sunbather" on an adjacent dune..........at least that's what I figured since they spent a lot of time up there with a spotting scope.
The girls challenged the boys to a football game and promptly beat their butts!
It was getting cold for me and "CJ" so we both found sanctuary in Steve and Rhonda's trailer.
Saturday morning a breakfast was being held to "Save Dillon Beach" and Becky and I went down to give it a try. For $5.00 we had pancakes, eggs, sausage, orange juice and coffee. It was OK; but, they had no means to keep the food warm. Oh well, we didn't have to prepare anything.
I stood in the middle of the campsite and took pictures from the inside of our circle............here's what we looked like.
Becky hiked out to the sand dunes with the kids.........they were using boogie boards to slide down the hill. She just got back and looks worn to a frazzle! No matter how old you get............you can still learn new lessons. She probably won't be making that hike again...........I would estimate it be about a mile and a half for the round trip.........and walking in the sand!!
Will post this and probably have more pictures later.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Friday........More People Showing Up Today...............
We headed for Bodega Bay and did some caching on the way. A cache was hidden under this little shop's porch........the name of the cache had something to do with "Gabby" and we found out the pooch was Gabby. Nice friendly mutt. Outside of Bodega (not to be confused with Bodega Bay) the Nuvi went beep.........so I cut a uie in the highway and we went back to find a bit of history and the cache at this old school house.
Stopped for some clam chowder at Bodega Bay and then went looking for some more caches. Found one near this old hulk of a boat and drove down the road for another. I found the cache..........Becky was taking pictures. Last picture was taken after she yelled and stepped into a big pile of doggie do............fresh doggie do. That ended our caching for the day and she just bagged up her shoe in a Walmart bag and we headed for home. Took her about 15 minutes to get her shoe cleaned up. That "fresh" doggie do is good stuff!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Made It To Dillion Beach...........
Caught Becky in a "domestic" moment...........she was actually sewing something. This is were we are camping, so far 4 rigs are here and someone just rapped on the door (it's 2026) and asked if this was the right spot. I said YUP and he pulling in in front of me. If I was a nice guy I could probably give him a hand..........nah, I ain't that nice, besides I'm in for the night.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Been Doing "Nothing" The Last Few Days...........
Getting ready to drive to Woodland tomorrow, spend night at the rv park in the fairgrounds and then leave for Dillon Beach early on Thursday morning. Temps been in the upper 60s on the coast so that'll be nice. We'll probably have to break out the winter jackets!
This will be our second trip to the Bodega Bay area so there's still a lot for us to see in the area. May try to pick up some of the easier geocaches and just generally kick back and watch the world go by. No cell phone service; but, I'll have my MTV and we're taking the internet dish with us.............maybe I can rent out "on line" time to the tourists and make a couple of bucks.
Next stop California coast so will let you know what we're doing when we get there Thursday.
Later. W&B