Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Yesterday Was Fair "Fun Day"................

for the "five kids", Cassidy, Trace, Chealsea, Hailey and Becky. Naturally I got the pictures out of order..............they had this one ride that takes them up about a hundred feet and then the bottom drops out. They rode it a couple of times and I managed to get Cassidy and Hailey as they were nearing bottom.

I took a little time out to watch the "free" show at the grandstand while the kids continued to enjoy the rides. They were holding a "jousting" tournament complete with horses, swords, good knights and bad knights.
I didn't spend too much time there as there was nothing to write home about.

The kids continued on bumper cars, swings, whirly jigs and whatever else they had to ride. One of the small kiddie rides was formerly a part of Michael Jackson's Never Land.........I never figured out which one it was so didn't get a picture of it. I understand it was called "Lollipop".

This where we started our adventure outside the gate to the fair. Rides didn't start until noon so we had a hour and a half to kill.........we visited the exhibit hall and the kids learned how to sew a button on a piece of cloth.......I'm sure they'll never make use of this talent.

We found a leggo display that Trace had made.........."Castle of the Future" was its title. He got a third place ribbon for it.

Naturally there had to be fair food.......I'm addicted to the Irish Sundaes and managed to scoff down two of them while the kids chowed down on everything else in least they tried to...........fair food gets to be expensive!

It started sprinkling about 1700 and then we got a call from Tami saying that all the parents were out at the farm making last minute preparations for getting their cows to show. So we loaded the twerps up and heading for the farm. When we got there we found out that Trace's cow had developed some "warts" on its nose so his cow may not be able to be shown. Bum Luck! Today is "man the barn and take care of the cows through Sunday". Show day on Friday. The Twerps had to be there at 0600 and then have to man the barn in shifts for the rest of the fair.

Becky and I may not go in today because it rained all night long and I'm sure the fairgrounds will be a muddy mess even though it hasn't rained for some time. Time will tell...........maybe the thought of fair food will overcome our good judgment and we'll have to drive in.
Later, W&B

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