We had one female monster truck driver who was worthy of a closer look. The trucks were fun to watch; but, if you've seen one, you've seen them all.
One truck managed to roll over everytime he came out, he would go back to the pits, fix it and roll it again. Seems he broke something the first time and everytime it got up into the air after that first wreck it would corkscrew and he would roll it again. He provided the most entertainment.
With that, the fair ends for another year. If we're lucky we might miss next year...........hoping for an Alaska trip before we get TOO old!! (Although it will be sad to miss the corn dogs, corn on the cob, Irish Sundaes (baked potatoes), elephant ears, funnel cakes, hamburgers, milk shakes, pies, popcorn, curly frys, turkey drum sticks and various bar-b-que.)
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