The Woodland Wolves still don't have their uniforms so the Twerp was wearing his old number 57. I think the teams played a total of 32 minutes with two opponents. They were on offense for 8 minutes and then defense for 8 minutes.............then they switched teams. Bryce was playing offense and defense as he was one of 10 kids returning from last year. He had one carry of about 15 yards and defense is what he enjoys............he has that defensive lineman mentality. He was about ready to make a tackle and some idiot stepped in front of me.........last pic. I told him that he needs to eat raw meat the day before the games as that will help make him "lean and mean". I don't think Ma is going to go along with that diet though.
After the game we came home and Rhonda, Becky and the twerps headed for the fair while I head for the casino. I managed to entertain myself for quite awhile and then the casino gobbled up my last $20.00.
That sorta brings us up to date...........we're staying in Woodland again tonight and at least it's cooled down..........expected to be in the high 80s which isn't too bad. More later. W&B
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