Thursday, August 27, 2009
Getting Warmer..........
Other than taking a couple of items off our "to do" list every day we've just been beating the heat, eating and giving our money to the casino. Same old stuff different day. We had another football game for "Brutus" on Saturday scheduled; but, an old 90 year old Granny Lady that Becky knows passed away and her funeral is Saturday so guess we'll miss the game. We'll be heading for Woodland next week anyway......probably about Wednesday. Have reservations at Lawson's Landing, Dillon Beach on the coast for the long weekend. We'll probably go down Wednesday or Thursday and see if we can rope off a space for a bunch of Woodland folks who are going down also. At least it'll be C O O L for that weekend.
That's about it for us. Later. W&B
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Well, Enjoying Cooling Action of A/C..........
Yesterday we made a run to the casino to "cool down" I had a "free" five dollars worth of play on my player's card. My free money lasted about 2 minutes and I had to keep digging in my flat billfold to stay in the A/C spaces. I was getting beat up pretty badly and finally decided to try a machine I had won on before...............played it for about 5 minutes and cashed in $130.00. It was time to quit.
If I can get up early enough tomorrow I need to mow the weeds and that should probably finish my "to do" list for the rest of the week. Life is tough.
Got the Hughes Satellite dish up and running with no problems and it's actually been giving me acceptable up and down speeds throughout the day. Will wonders never cease. I probably just jinxed it!
That's all for now........just wanted to let everyone know we're still alive and kicking. W&B
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Saturday.......Football Is Starting...........
The Woodland Wolves still don't have their uniforms so the Twerp was wearing his old number 57. I think the teams played a total of 32 minutes with two opponents. They were on offense for 8 minutes and then defense for 8 minutes.............then they switched teams. Bryce was playing offense and defense as he was one of 10 kids returning from last year. He had one carry of about 15 yards and defense is what he enjoys............he has that defensive lineman mentality. He was about ready to make a tackle and some idiot stepped in front of me.........last pic. I told him that he needs to eat raw meat the day before the games as that will help make him "lean and mean". I don't think Ma is going to go along with that diet though.
After the game we came home and Rhonda, Becky and the twerps headed for the fair while I head for the casino. I managed to entertain myself for quite awhile and then the casino gobbled up my last $20.00.
That sorta brings us up to date...........we're staying in Woodland again tonight and at least it's cooled down..........expected to be in the high 80s which isn't too bad. More later. W&B
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Spent The Day Around Grants Pass...........
Made a grocery stop and headed back to the park. Fortunately, I left the A/C running when we left so it was nice and cool when we got home. Leaving tomorrow for Corning; and, depending on when we leave, should get back to some real HEAT in the early afternoon. Gotta unload and repack as we'll be going down to Woodland for the twerp's first scrimmage football game early Saturday morning. Guess we'll be going to Folsom so we gotta drive down Friday night or EARLY Saturday morning. Will probably opt for Friday night.
More later. W&B
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Made It to Valley of the Rogue SP...........
So here we sit for the rest of the evening, the A/C is running and trying to keep up; but, not doing that great a job. Shouldn't have looked at it as it's hovering around 85 degrees. Sun is going down so it should start cooling down soon. Actually, it seems cooler outside with a bit of a breeze blowing.
Don't know what we'll be doing tomorrow as the heat is supposed to continue. We'll probably get up a bit early and drive into Grants Pass during the cool of the morning to see if we can locate a few caches. We haven't been hunting for any since we left the Oregon Coast about 2 weeks ago.
The air card is working fine............I saw a cell tower near the entrance to the park so Becky has her internet and is as happy as a pig rolling in poop.
More later, maybe.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Tuesday............Heading South Tomorrow.........
Tried a restaurant in Portland, Ohana, a Hawaiian Cafe. They serve the chow you'd normally find in Hawaii. I tried the Loco Moco, others had Kalua Pig, chicken and it was pretty good. Prices were reasonable.
We're leaving tomorrow, stopping for two days at Valley of the Rogue State Park near Grants Pass, Oregon and should get to Corning on Friday.
Changed my mind about 12 times about taking the Rhino to California and then to Arizona for the winter. I finally decided to leave it in Washington.............of course that could change again when I get up in the morning. (???)
More later, probably from Oregon. W&B
Monday, August 17, 2009
Late News Flash From County Fair...............

Fair Has Run Its Course.................
We had one female monster truck driver who was worthy of a closer look. The trucks were fun to watch; but, if you've seen one, you've seen them all.
One truck managed to roll over everytime he came out, he would go back to the pits, fix it and roll it again. Seems he broke something the first time and everytime it got up into the air after that first wreck it would corkscrew and he would roll it again. He provided the most entertainment.
With that, the fair ends for another year. If we're lucky we might miss next year...........hoping for an Alaska trip before we get TOO old!! (Although it will be sad to miss the corn dogs, corn on the cob, Irish Sundaes (baked potatoes), elephant ears, funnel cakes, hamburgers, milk shakes, pies, popcorn, curly frys, turkey drum sticks and various bar-b-que.)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
More Friday Fair Stuff............
Hailey was entered in the Intermediate Class with her Roxy and she and Roxy came away with Intermediate Champion Showman! The best in her class. The judge asked Hailey if she chose a "white" cow to enter and if she didn't her 4 H Leader must not like her too much! A white holstein is a real bear to try and keep clean for the show; but, Hailey did a super job.
Chelsea and Lucy were in the Junior Class, the same class as Cassidy. Together they took Reserve Junior Champion Showman, which is 2nd place in their class. A super job by both.
Cassidy and Cory took the Junior Champion Showman award.
A lot of hard work for all and it certainly paid off for the Bossy Nova 4H Club!
Becky and I will be attending on Sunday for sure and maybe again tomorrow as we still have more "fair food" to sample.
Later. W&B
Thursday Events..............
Last pic is Lori with one of the cows..........which one I don't know 'cause they all look alike to me!
Becky and I went to the grandstand to watch the motorcycle and ATV races and to see the high flying motorcycle "professionals" do their thing on the ramps.
Actually, they were pretty good, a few years ago it was rarity to see a motorcyclists do a "back flip" off the ramp and then land on his wheels. I managed to capture a few shots of the crazies doing their thing.
Of course we ate, and ate and then ate some more. We only found a couple of places that served roasting ears and Becky wanted to try the one where they were grilling the corn over a fire. I don't think the corn here was as good as the other place with their "corn on the cob" but Becky managed to down it all............the grilled corn also cost more!
The highlight of the day for me was seeing ELVIS!! I saw him twice; but, no one would believe me that I actually saw him......the second time I managed to capture an image of ELVIS on film...........he was moving pretty fast so unfortunately the photo is kinda blurred. ELVIS lives!!!
Will post some pics of the judging and showmanship when I get a chance. Later. W&B
Thursday, August 13, 2009
More County Fair Time................
Theme for the fair was "Jaw, Claws and Paws" and they had a display area with a few animals penned up...........this tiger was one of them.
Earlier Becky and I were browsing the Commercial area and stopped at the Washington Lottery Booth. They were giving away free T-Shirts if you purchased $10.00 worth of Seattle Seahawk Tickets so I purchased a couple. Becky had her pick of the tickets and didn't win ticket was worth $100.00! I didn't share but Becky got the T-Shirt.
Today is overcast and it looks like we might get a few sprinkles later on. Becky hasn't had her elephant ear yet so we'll probably got back to the fair a little later on.........good think we got a free parking pass, Dug and Tami each got one as they each signed up a kid...... so we have one of them and we purchased advanced "senior" tickets so that keeps the price of food within reason. Would certainly dislike paying $20.00 for parking and admission just to stuff ourselves on greasy fair food!
Motorcycles performing today so guess we'll go in and see the "crazies" trying to do themselves in. Later W&B
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Yesterday Was Fair "Fun Day"................
This where we started our adventure outside the gate to the fair. Rides didn't start until noon so we had a hour and a half to kill.........we visited the exhibit hall and the kids learned how to sew a button on a piece of cloth.......I'm sure they'll never make use of this talent.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Back To Paradise Point SP...........
Went out to dinner at a Mexican restaurant yesterday evening with D, T and the twerps........not bad Mexican chow even though the cook is Chinese.
Got all of our 10 days of laundry done this morning before coming out to the park.............well, almost all of it..........when we got back we found a garbage bag of stuff we forgot to take.
Tomorrow we're taking the Twerps and 2 of their friends to the county fair for food, rides, exhibits, etc. etc. Then on Wednesday they'll all have to camp out at the dairy barn to take care of their cows as the cows arrive early. They'll be taking turns feeding, watering, cleaning up the stalls, etc. etc. until they show the cows early on Friday morning. Then Sunday is award presentation day. I think Becky and I will probably attend about 4 fair days............that should be enough time to gain a few pounds on fair food.
Nice and cool today, we are at our regular campsite that's in the shade and there's a gentle breeze blowing so it's nice and pleasant. I think we'll drive in to Vancouver after awhile to pick up our parking pass and make sure we're all on the same page for tomorrows "fun day at the fair".
Later. W&B
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Sitting In Casino Parking Lot...................
Got into the seafood buffet shortly after lines of people were waiting so I was beginning to wonder if their buffet was worth trying. They had dungness crab on the serving line so I painfully forked over $50.00 for two buffets...............they wouldn't even give me an old age discount!! About two hours later we both rolled out of the buffet and dragged our crab ladden butts to a slot machine. I found my favorite machine just waiting for me so I started playing wouldn't let me win very much and wouldn't take my money so I played it until I was falling asleep. Becky finally found me and I finally quit $17.00 ahead. Not enough to pay for the buffet; but, at least I was ahead.
The Seafood Buffet was worth every bit of the $25.00 per head!!! I chowed down on two large chowder bowls of crab (I crack and clean crab until I fill a bowl and then slouch melted butter over it) and eat it down. It takes about 30 minutes to clean the crab and about 3 minutes to eat it. Fried oysters, scallops, name was all good. After the first round of crab meat I tried the prime was delicious! The horseradish really lit me up though. After second chowder bowl of crab I slowed down and finished everything up with an ice cream sundae...........not your soft ice cream..........the good kind......Umpaqua!
This little trip to the Oregon Coast has been a few rain drops the other night; but, every day was sunny and warm..........70s for the coast is warm.......for me it's just right. Doesn't get any better.
Heading for Vancouver tomorrow. More later. W&B
Friday, August 7, 2009
Geocaching Today..........
Last three pics were taken today around Bandon. Becky almost fell into a hole trying to retrieve a cache beside the water.........if she had fallen she'd still be there. Everywhere we go we seem to be in sight of the Coquille Lighthouse. I found my #2200 cache close to the lighthouse. I just about quit after finding this one as we had been hoofing it around the soft sand walking further than I had planned on.
Here are some pictures of the lighthouse taken from different angles. Last one was taken without any zoom from across the bay.
Fortunately, most of the caches around here were of a decent size until we finally ran across some "nano" caches placed on park benches.
Our travels took us back down to the pier where we had to stop for our fish n chips least I had the fish fix while Becky opted for a dungness crab sandwich. We finally gave up on caching and got back to the M/H about we stay for the rest of the night. Not sure what we'll be doing tomorrow except hit the grocery store for a few veggies, milk and buns and maybe grab a few more caches before we leave on Sunday.
All for now...........days are great, probably got to the low 70s today after clouds burned off this morning. Same thing tomorrow. W&B
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Made It To Bullard Beach SP.............
We left Horsfall around 1100 and naturally we had to stop at the casino since we only had about 30 miles or so to drive. I managed to make enough to pay for lunch and had an extra $10.00...........that is until I stopped on the way out and gave it back to my red brothers. Oh well, I did OK at the Mill Casino this trip and the last one. That doesn't happen very often.
Will post this as Burn Notice is on the tube. More later if anything interesting happens.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Another Great Day At The Beach...........
Stopped at my favorite casino for least it's starting to become my favorite casino. I'm not greedy..........I stopped playing after I had lunch paid for and a little extra change for my pocket. Today we DIDN'T have fish and chips!
Of course that will change when we go to Bandon.
That's it for now. W&B
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
We're At The Dunes..........Coos Bay, OR.........
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Saturday.......Got Internet Dish Up...........
See Becky's Blog for today's happenings: