"art" in the following post. Becky found some more info on the pictures she took, if anyone is interested in learning more you can check out this link. Gee, we may have to go back when the joint is open......................http://www.roadsideamerica.com/sights/sightstory.php?tip_AttrId=%3D11755
This is kinda reminiscent of Leonard's "Salvation Mountain" that we visited near Niland, CA........this url has some info on Leonard's continuing creation:
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Tuesday, I Think............

Millersylvania is a really nice state park, lottsa hiking trails, serviced RV sites, lake with something resembling a beach and is a great area for "twerps". Centralia is fairly close and it's about 20 miles to the Lucky Eagle casino for those inclined in that direction. (We contributed as usual because we weren't smart enough to quit when we were ahead!!) We browsed around Centralia, "B" went a little nutso at the Factory Stores and we found this "house" in Centralia which was, I think, was someone's conception of "art". It wasn't open when we cruised by but they had a sign by the door that indicated "free admission".........hell, I'd be first in line for a frontal lobotomy if it was advertised for "FREE". Unfortunately we didn't make it back when it was open so the contents will probably always be a mystery.
Got both dishes hooked up and we're at Dug's house until we mosey out to Paradise Point on Friday...........unless we head for Sand Lake for fun in the sand over the weekend. Will make that decision later. Got the license plates for the Suzuki taken care of today and will get a base sticker from the Portland Air Force Base tomorrow. Gotta go see Les Schwab tomorrow also to see if they can do anything else about the tires on the M/H. They got rid of the "wiggle" but still encountering a bumpy ride going down the road. Might have a out of round tire or one that isn't properly balanced. Sure hope they can find the problem 'cause it sure is a PITA the way it is.
Got Becky's internet connections up and running BEFORE I hooked up my MTV so she be slaving over a hot stove with pork chops, fried potatoes, gravy, etc. etc., as I update this Blog. Good trade off! Later. Wayne & Becky
Saturday, July 28, 2007
On Friday, Took A Back..............

Geocaching Around..........

Saturday And We're...............

Thursday, July 26, 2007
At The Oak Harbor Library..............

The Museum At The Lighthouse........
Drove to Coupeville Area................
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
We're Back At The Oak Harbor............
As is the case with everywhere else we visit...........we don't recognize much in Oak Harbor. The OHT (Oak Harbor Tavern) is still there though plus another tavern that existed 40+ years ago!! Some things never change.
Just click on this line to see where we are: http://map.datastormusers.com/user1.cfm?user=3467
No plans for the remainder of our visit in this area...........just play it by ear I guess. Later, until we visit the library again. Wayne and Becky
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
guess it's been a week since last update. Last Friday we packed up and left Paradise Point and headed to Sand Lake to play in the sand dunes for a couple of days. Got a new CDI box installed for the Rhino and needed to see how it would run. Well..............bad weekend to travel to Sand Lake as the sun quit shining and the showers started. "B" ses.........what difference does it make where we are, it'll still be raining. We arrived at Sand Lake Friday afternoon, got the TV satellite dish up and running but didn't try to set up the internet dish so we haven't been online for about a week. Dug and family and Mark and Laurie pulled in later Friday evening. We sorta holed up while the rains fell. Saturday we all drove into Lincoln City for lunch and to try our luck at the slot machines. I think we all contributed to the welfare of my Chinook Winds Red Brothers but Tami sprang for a nice lunch buffet for all. The Twerps spent a couple of hours in the casino play area. Got back to the beach and the rain had quit so was able to test drive the Rhino. Apparently the new CDI box is functioning OK as I raced a couple of other Rhinos and they declined to race again.
We left Sand Lake Sunday morning, stopped at Dug's house briefly and then headed up the highway north bound. We found a state park, Millersvania, just south of Olympia so spent the night there. Lottsa trees so didn't even try to set up satellite dishes. Monday we crept through Seattle, man that traffic is something else and we even missed the rush hour! Stopped at the Northern Lights Casino near Anacortes for lunch and made more contributions to my Red Brothers. Arrived at Deception Pass State Park to find trees, trees and more trees and don't believe we have a chance of getting any satellite signals. We might not make it the entire 10 days we originally planned. Today we drove to Oak Harbor, found the commissary and library so right now we're at the library and connected to the internet. Becky is getting her internet fix, I'm updating this and will try to download some geocaches so we might go hunting for some this afternoon. The sun has returned and the weatherman ses summer has returned and will be around for at least the next 7 or 8 days. Later, when the official photographer might have some photos to post..........my camer is busted and she won't share her camera!!! Will get back on line in a couple of days. Later. Wayne & Becky
We left Sand Lake Sunday morning, stopped at Dug's house briefly and then headed up the highway north bound. We found a state park, Millersvania, just south of Olympia so spent the night there. Lottsa trees so didn't even try to set up satellite dishes. Monday we crept through Seattle, man that traffic is something else and we even missed the rush hour! Stopped at the Northern Lights Casino near Anacortes for lunch and made more contributions to my Red Brothers. Arrived at Deception Pass State Park to find trees, trees and more trees and don't believe we have a chance of getting any satellite signals. We might not make it the entire 10 days we originally planned. Today we drove to Oak Harbor, found the commissary and library so right now we're at the library and connected to the internet. Becky is getting her internet fix, I'm updating this and will try to download some geocaches so we might go hunting for some this afternoon. The sun has returned and the weatherman ses summer has returned and will be around for at least the next 7 or 8 days. Later, when the official photographer might have some photos to post..........my camer is busted and she won't share her camera!!! Will get back on line in a couple of days. Later. Wayne & Becky
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Here's Some Pictures............

Monday, July 16, 2007
Spent Saturday getting things squared away after Coos Bay trip, washing clothes, etc. On Sunday we went in search of a different tow vehicle........our little Tracker was showing signs of age, wear and tear, mileage, etc. etc. ........sorta like us. Looking for a Chevy/Suzuki similar to old one since tow brackets can be switched. Today we finally found one that we can be happy with so bought it. It's still old, 2002 model, but in great shape but with bigger engine, V6, A/C and all the bells and whistles. If we can avoid rocks, desert trails and no trails with this one it'll probably give us good service for a few more years. Almost too pretty to go charging through sage brush with this one; but, as usual with the first big dent then it won't matter. Weather great in low 80s. Dr. and dental appointment in the next two days and then maybe we can get into some serious geocaching before heading north to Whidby Island. Later...... W&B
Friday, July 13, 2007
Here We Be......................
Warmer here, but the 90 & 100 degree temperature is gone for another year.............so I hope.
Check this out for our location:
Thursday, July 12, 2007
and I'm beginning to feel like I'll live. Woke up this morning and wolfed down breakfast like I had never been ill. John, Char, "B" and I went out in the Rhinos kinda early this morning. On the way back both Rhinos started running ragged and mine finally stopped completely and John limped back to the camp. He needed a new fuel filter and my CDI box went south. We finally got the Rhino's running again. At least we made it to the beach but no Sea Lion today and no crabs. Speaking of crabs, I called two seafood shops and one of them finally got some fresh crabs in today. I ordered 6 of them and boy are they every spendy!!! Picked them up late this afternoon and now we have a quart and a half of crab meat. Don't know what plans Becky has for them. Tami ate hers tonight (I think) and John nibbled on his but I think he's saving most of it for something later. Becky has been looking for crab cake recipes and other crab recipes on the internet so she'll come up with something. The lady at the shop said this is probably the last of dungeness crabs until later in the year. Molting season is starting so no more this summer. No wonder they were spendy. We're sorta getting ready to pack up and leave tomorrow morning, picking up trash etc. All I gotta do tomorrow is load the Rhino, stow away the tv sat. dish and internet dish and we should be ready to roll by 10 o'clock. Only about 5 hours to get home so no hurry. Besides that, it's still HOT in Vancouver. Except for a little rain last night we've been cool and enjoying the weather.
We did manage to grab a couple of geocaches today and I placed my Red Jeep in one so it can continue its journey.
Should be back at Paradise Point late tomorrow afternoon. Will look for some pictures to post when the "official photographer" gives me her chip. Later, Wayne, Becky and the Troops
We did manage to grab a couple of geocaches today and I placed my Red Jeep in one so it can continue its journey.
Should be back at Paradise Point late tomorrow afternoon. Will look for some pictures to post when the "official photographer" gives me her chip. Later, Wayne, Becky and the Troops
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Finally........having some fun.........

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Monday, July 9, 2007
Getting Ready and Arrival at Coos Bay............

Here's where we are if you're interested: http://map.datastormusers.com/user1.cfm?user=3467

More Dune Pictures...........

Thursday, July 5, 2007
Where Are We???.......
Forgot about using this little toy.........tried to use it the other day but the website was having difficulties so it sorta slipped my mind..........most of you know how that works. Wayne
Yesterday........Fourth of July.........

Becky and I picked up a Red Jeep from a Geocache and to enter a contest we have to submit a picture of the jeep and something pertaining to American Heritage.............whatever that is. Trace was our model and we took a bunch of pictures of him with the red jeep, fireworks, sitting on a motorcycle, sitting on his Mom's 4 wheeler and everything else we could think of. Posting a few of them. Nightfall finally arrived and Dad shot off his fireworks with neighbors on both sides of the street joining in. The Fourth of July Fireworks Display at Fort Vancouver started at 2200. It has been billed as the "largest display West of the Mississippi".........which is probably no longer true. I do remember when the display lasted well over an hour in the past but it has gone downhill since then and last night's display lasted about 40 minutes. Becky and I left Doug's house and drove down the freeway so she could watch the sky being blown up. We made a big circle around Fort Vancouver and managed to see some of the sights and we still missed the humongous traffic jam that always follows the display. Nice to say we saw some of the display but I sure wouldn't make a habit of it. Today was a domestic day so did our laundry and made a grocery run for goodies to take to Coos Bay. Tomorrow another "get ready to get ready" day and on Saturday we'll park in front of Dug's house and get everything loaded up so we can leave early Sunday morning. W & B
Monday, July 2, 2007
The Kids Took Turns............

Today was Cassiday's day to go out to the farm to continue her lessons on showing her calf at the Clark County Fair. Fair time is only about six weeks away so they got some work to do and lots to learn.
Some pictures follow of today's "training" espisode.
Getting Ready For............

Sunday, July 1, 2007

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