Friday, June 3, 2011

Holy Crap................

...been a long time since last update so will catch you up somewhat. After I went home after surgery on May 22 I ended back in the hospital on May 25.........seems that my bowels decided that they weren't going to cooperate. So, back to hook ups with IVs and a nose tube and bed rest. A few days of that and I got unhooked from the tubes, ate liquid lunch, liquid breakfast the next day and about noon I was back to being hooked up with my tubes again.........digestive tract still too lazy to work!!

So I've been walking the hallways, eating through an IV and trying to stay warm. I finally found someone with enough "juice" to get me a space heater for my room so the last 3 nights have been tolerable. Didn't know it at the time; but, a lady asked if I needed anything...........I send yes, a space heater. She said I'd have one before she left for the day........lo and behold it appeared in my room. I was talking to the Nurse Supervisor and didn't know it. She'll be my best bud for life!

Last night I had NG tube blocked off and this morning they removed it. Had a late "liquid" lunch and right now I'm just waiting to see if everything remains where it should. My Doc came in and said I could go home this afternoon if lunch stays with me. Becky just arrived with my computer so I'm using the time to update the blog.

Hopefully, will be home this evening. More's been a long 16 days; but, think I can see a little light at the end of the tunnel. W

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