Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Arrived in Vancouver ...............

early this afternoon and we're camped out in front of Dug's house. Got electricity, satellite TV working and Becky has her internet so we're both happy. We'll be here until Thursday when we have our reservation at Paradise Point.

Got things kinda settled in and then "B" and I went in search of some lunch............stopped at Goldie's BarBQue joint and it was OK. I like my ribs with the meat falling off the bone; but, these weren't.........good flavor and the sauce was good too. We might be back.

Damn, I left the Jeep keys and remote clicker at home.........think I left them in the Honda when I parked it in the garage. Anyway, we went looking for a locksmith. Found one and because of the chip in the ignition key it would cost over $60.00 for a duplicate...........still cheaper than the dealer. We'll have our friend check the Honda and mail my keys to me if that's where I left them. Otherwise, bye bye $60+

Rained most of the night at the Oregon state park and we had some rain off and on on the way to Vancouver. Right now it's cleared up; but, probably more rain tomorrow. We were going to Woodland to have dinner with the Beagles; but, now the rain is pushing them North sooner than expected so that lets dinner out. Talked to Larry and we'll get together later this week or after we get back from Coos Bay.

That's about it. W&B

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Made It Through Another Week..............

without any gigantic problems tummy wise. We did go to the Casino on Friday, which is seafood buffet, and they had Dungness Crab so we had to give it a go. I pigged out on the crab.........sorta of a "dry run" for when we hit the Oregon Coast and can really pig out on FRESH crab. Had some tenderness in a couple of spots but the old system seems to be working pretty well. Haven't had the courage to try a rib eye yet; but, soon!

Got up early this morning and started loading trailer with RZR goodies and finishing up the M/H. It was nice and cool then; but, managed to warm up pretty good as noon time rolled around. Since most of the big stuff is done we took a casino break about 1400 and I managed to escape with $40 of their money. Last trip until August so left it on a good note...........

Got a few more things to secure on the trailer and then tomorrow morning we'll just pack up stuff in fridge, computer goodies, etc. and should be outta here before noon. No hurry to get on the road as we'll only be going up to Valley of the Rogue SP or else Seven Feathers Casino and that shouldn't take much more than 5 hours. Depends on how "warm" it is, if it's hot we stay at the SP with electricity. If not too warm we'll camp on in the casino parking lot.

Gonna meet up with some of our Yuma Caching Buds on Wednesday, la84fishn and Beagle 39z. Beagles (Wayne and Phyllis) are heading toward Issaquah where they'll be baby sitting a day use park and Larry lives in Gresham so hopefully we'll get together for dinner in Woodland.............or someplace. Knee giving me some problems the last few days so if I take in easy the next two days maybe we'll be able to do a little caching in the Woodland area on Wednesday. Time will tell.

That's it for now...........in a couple of days we'll be in tall tree country where it'll probably be raining. W&B

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Made It To Sunday...................

...without pigging out on anything and so far so good. Old digestive track seems to be handling everything I've thrown at it the past few days. Still would like a nice ribeye; but, that's probably further down the road..........also no veggies (the fresh variety). All in all I'm doing pretty good............well pretty good for "someone my age!)

Went to the big "give away a wallet" at casino night last night and I spent 45 minutes waiting in a line for a wallet with $5.00. Well, not all that time in line as Becky and took turns standing in line and playing the slots. The first machine I played I was ahead $48.00 so we managed to play it down to where I cashed in $10 and that combined with my $5 wallet gave us enough money to have dinner at Denny's. I tried some pancakes and B had some kind of shrimp salad. First time I've eaten out in a month.

Today was Father's Day at the casino, so we filled up with gas (at least we put in over $10.00 to turn in the casino for play points) and found the casino so crowded that we didn't want to stand in line with our gas receipts. They were giving away $100 every 1/2 hour and we spent some time there playing pennies; but, my name was never called.

Finally came home, stopped at the store and picked up some hamburger and I wolfed down a cheeseburger when we got home. Hamburger from the local store and this time we had some flavor with the meat. It doesn't pay to shop haphazardly for hamburger.

Hearing aids doing me some good (I think) 'cause I don't have the TV blaring out and I can actually make out some the words. I was curious about the VA hearing aids and today I looked them up on the internet and found they would have cost me $2700 if I had paid for them. It's taken a long time; but, I'm getting some returns from the VA!

Well, gonna kick back the rest of today and then get the M/H ready to roll in 8 or 9 days. Later. W&B

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Saw The Doc Today...........

and he poked on my belly, asked a few questions, refilled a prescription and told me I could start on "soft food"; but, don't pig out on anything. Gotta go see him again when we get back from PNW in August. He said I'd probably have to watch my diet for the next decade or so; or, until I kiss this world goodbye..........whichever comes sooner.

We stopped at the grocery store and picked up some goodies.........among them hamburger. Well, I got home, whipped up some hamburger gravy, slopped it over a bun and had it for supper. Bummer...........the gravy was so bland I couldn't taste it......added some salt, tried again, more salt and couldn't even much taste the salt! Doc said pasta, mashed potatoes, etc. and avoid fresh fruits and vegetables as these are the things that may cause me problems. He recommended I stay on soft foods at least until I return to see him in August. Well, I'll try.

Got some goodies in for the RZR so just loaded it up and will take it to the dealer in Red Bluff tomorrow. He said he could get everything installed next week if he had it before Saturday. Got a fuel injection management system and good thing I'm taking it to the dealer as I read everything and couldn't understand anything. Guess I'm old school as I understand a carburetor system better............well a little better.

If things stay on schedule right now we should be heading North on the 27th or 28th of June. Later. W&B

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Time Still Passing Rather Slowly...........

.....but at least it's passing with nicer weather all this last week and looking good for the coming days.

Still on my liquid diet.....at least until I see the Doc on Thursday and then hoping I can start adding some "soft" food to the mix. A big old juicy hamburger sounds pretty good right now.

We've been making our casino runs regularly and filling up the gas tank $10.00 at a time so Becky can take the receipt to the casino and get $10.00 of play for each slip. She's done pretty good at that and we've gotten a lot of "free play".

Gotta get out and do a little more so mowed the front weeds yesterday; but, ran out of gas (me) before I finished up the backside. Maybe I'll finish that today before it gets too hot. This sitting around is costing me money..........been surfing the web looking for goodies for my RZR and spending money on it like a drunken sailor. I've got an electric power steering kit that should arrive on Monday, a set of sand tires that I had sent to Johnny in Oregon and I'm pondering over a Yoshimura Exhaust for it. After that I won't have money to buy gas for it! So it goes.

Gotta go pick up some prescriptions in Red Bluff so better do that before it warms up too much. Still driving my old Honda and it's still running pretty good although no AC. I drove 166 miles with it, filled it up with gas and it took 4.1 gallons to fill. Damn good for an old beater! Guess $12.00 worth of new spark plugs helped it out. All for now. W

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Still Surviving.............

......but, just barely. Haven't seen any "solid" food for so long that I wouldn't even know what it tastes like. Doc ses "liquids" only........at least until I see him on June 16. So, I've been drinking Ensure, making milkshakes, downing tea and apple juice and water. Went to the casino briefly today and pigged out on lemonade........Doc ses no carbonated soda either.

Been taking some little bitty pills he prescribed that are supposed to help the old innards respond........only problem is they are doing too good a job and I have to stick close to home when I take one. Oh well, can't last forever.

Becky pitching me crap today because I hopped in the car and drove downtown for the mail and some other goodies. "You aren't supposed to drive for six weeks!" Bah Humbug!

Rain finally disappeared today and it's nice, warm and sunny; however, don't know how long that will last. All the rain and sun is sure making the weeds grow...........and I'm not up to mowing the lawn yet. Just getting a bit better day by day and I think we'll be ready to head North by the end of June.

That's about it for us........later. w&b

Friday, June 3, 2011

Got Home at 1800...............

this afternoon..............now if I can just stay here for awhile. Doc ses "LIQUID" diet for the at least three weeks. And NO Pepsi or carbonated drinks. Bummer.

Ill probably lose a 100 pounds. Later. w43

Holy Crap................

...been a long time since last update so will catch you up somewhat. After I went home after surgery on May 22 I ended back in the hospital on May 25.........seems that my bowels decided that they weren't going to cooperate. So, back to hook ups with IVs and a nose tube and bed rest. A few days of that and I got unhooked from the tubes, ate liquid lunch, liquid breakfast the next day and about noon I was back to being hooked up with my tubes again.........digestive tract still too lazy to work!!

So I've been walking the hallways, eating through an IV and trying to stay warm. I finally found someone with enough "juice" to get me a space heater for my room so the last 3 nights have been tolerable. Didn't know it at the time; but, a lady asked if I needed anything...........I send yes, a space heater. She said I'd have one before she left for the day........lo and behold it appeared in my room. I was talking to the Nurse Supervisor and didn't know it. She'll be my best bud for life!

Last night I had NG tube blocked off and this morning they removed it. Had a late "liquid" lunch and right now I'm just waiting to see if everything remains where it should. My Doc came in and said I could go home this afternoon if lunch stays with me. Becky just arrived with my computer so I'm using the time to update the blog.

Hopefully, will be home this evening. More later...........it's been a long 16 days; but, think I can see a little light at the end of the tunnel. W