Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tried Out the RZR This Afternoon................

after we made a quick trip downtown to Sam's Club, stopped at JJ's work to drop off some stuff, replaced a log in one of my caches and then scurried home.

Filled up RZR with gas and off to the desert we went to do some caching. Don't know how many we found; but, the main reason was to get some driving time on the RZR. Book ses to run two tanks of gas through it and then it'll be ready to burn up the road. Still got a tank and 3/4 to go.......bummer.

I did take it up to 60 mph with Becky; but, don't think she realized we were going that fast. It handles the bumps and dips pretty good at speed and should get a little better as things wear in. Got home and took our neighbor, Nate, for a little spin. He's been coming down here since forever and has never been on the Bombing Range so he enjoyed the ride.

RZR doesn't smooth out bumps at low speeds; but, kick it up to 40+ and it handles the whoops quite well. Old Nate was even impressed...........he's 82 years young and an Old Snowmobiler so he's not easily impressed.

Check out Becky's Blog for some pics:

Later.......W & B

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