Monday, February 28, 2011

Yuma Event #8 Is Over.............'s always a lot of fun; but, it certainly brings a sigh of relief when it's over for the year. This year turned out to be another great event, thanks mainly to the efforts of Jeep'en Jumpers and of course his dedicated crew of helpers.

You can check Becky's Blog ( for some pics of the event and the Warm Up on Saturday.

Random Thought........... why is Mrs. Beagle39z ALWAYS feeding her face whenever Becky takes her picture???

Looks like we'ver got about a month left in sunny Arizona and then time to head back North......the last few months have gone all too quickly; but, we'll be back!!


Friday, February 25, 2011

Took RZR Out On Thursday..............

and finally ended up at home with a total of 92 miles on it. Didn't even take it out today.......filled it up with gas again and think we got a little less than 15 mpg.........heck, that about as good as the Jeep. Speaking of the Jeep, we were out and about and stopped at Larry's place to shoot the breeze with him and Audrey. While we were parked in front of his rig some Old Granny Lady backed her Big Red Neck Truck right in the passenger side! We head a loud "crunch" and the crunch sounded pretty bad and I expected to see major damage to the side of the Jeep. Got lucky, I think the "crunch" was from her truck as the Jeep survived with some dents in the passenger side rear and front doors. She just barely missed taking out the passenger window. Doors not sprung, everything opens and closes...........called her insurance company and they had already reported it so we'll get a call from an adjuster........probably next week. Damage is really quite light; but, the area it covers outta be worth a grand or so to repair. I'll probably buff it out and use some touch up paint and we're good to go. Let's see..........what kinda accessories do I need for the RZR????????

Big Event weekend starts tomorrow and the weather is kinda getting crummy. It originally had RAIN forecast and now it looks like we might have chance of rain tomorrow evening and if we get lucky it'll be just cool and cloudy for the cook out on Sunday. We're keeping fingers crossed.

That's it for this neck of the of the world, stay warm and make a few snow balls for me. W&B

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tried Out the RZR This Afternoon................

after we made a quick trip downtown to Sam's Club, stopped at JJ's work to drop off some stuff, replaced a log in one of my caches and then scurried home.

Filled up RZR with gas and off to the desert we went to do some caching. Don't know how many we found; but, the main reason was to get some driving time on the RZR. Book ses to run two tanks of gas through it and then it'll be ready to burn up the road. Still got a tank and 3/4 to go.......bummer.

I did take it up to 60 mph with Becky; but, don't think she realized we were going that fast. It handles the bumps and dips pretty good at speed and should get a little better as things wear in. Got home and took our neighbor, Nate, for a little spin. He's been coming down here since forever and has never been on the Bombing Range so he enjoyed the ride.

RZR doesn't smooth out bumps at low speeds; but, kick it up to 40+ and it handles the whoops quite well. Old Nate was even impressed...........he's 82 years young and an Old Snowmobiler so he's not easily impressed.

Check out Becky's Blog for some pics:

Later.......W & B

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Picked Up RZR Today...........

in Parker and got back to Yuma late this afternoon. No time to take it for a spin so intend to give it a workout tomorrow after I return borrowed trailer.

Suzannah and Frank have been boondocking in the Lake Havasu area so they drove down to Parker for a visit and we also had lunch at the Mexican Restaurant. Becky and I stopped here on Saturday and we wanted to try another one; but, it was closed for some kind of repairs. Anyway the lunch was still pretty good. Becky and Sue spent some time at local donut shop while Frank and I killed an hour or so at the local DMV Office. At least I got my license plates for the RZR and now we're "street legal".

Here's some pics of the RZR.........look closely because this will probably be the last time it is "clean".

Damn Shop............I paid for a "kit" to make it street legal and I "thought" that it included turn didn't!! Guess I have to ask more "specific" questions. Anyway, turn signals are not required...........they're just nicer when you're tooling around the streets of Yuma. I got a half-wind shield, rear view mirror, lighted license plate bracket and horn. Those are the required items, well wind shield isn't, it's just a "nice" item to have. I had a $25.00 off coupon from Polaris so it cost me another $125.00 just so I could use their $25.00. Got a "slider" for the driver's seat that raises the seat about 2 inches higher; but, being able to adjust forward and back is kinda OK. Got flag holder and since I need to use Polaris oil filters and Polaris oil during warranty period I picked them up too.

That was our day. Later. W&B

Monday, February 21, 2011

Going to Parker Tomorrow...........

to pick up the Polaris RZR.......hope it's ready to go. If not, Becky wants to try out another Mexican Food restaurant, and if it is, we'll probably still check out the restaurant.

Think the rain is gone for awhile; but, temps need to catch up a bit, actually today was about 67 and the remainer of the week is supposed to be about the same. Our Geocaching Event is being held this weekend so things outta be pretty nice for that.

Met the #2 and #3 Geocachers in the World this last weekend. They'll be around Yuma, well #2 will be, for the Event. #3 has to head back to Colorado. Really nice folks.

We were out and about this afternoon and stopped for a Pizza Hut pizza. Had a couple of slices earlier so now it looks like time to have another snack. That's All Folks! W&B

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Continued My Search for Polaris RZR...........

as I put an ad on Craig's List looking for someone who had a 2010 Polaris RZR for sale. Got a call and we went to check it out..........turned out it was a 2009 model and the owner had put some extra goodies on it; but, it had some high hours running time. I liked it, made an offer; but, he wouldn't come off his asking price. So today we heading for Parker Yamaha in Parker, AZ a little burg about 120 miles north of Yuma. I talked to the sales manager about a 2011 RZR he had for sale and he was willing to haggle over the price. So.........we stopped at his shop and found a fairly large motorcycle shop with a whole bunch of side by sides in stock. Everything from the Can Am Commander to a base model RZR. It was like being in a candy store! Looked at the Commander, like it, looked at the RZR 800, liked it, looked at the new RZR XP 900.......liked it. Kicked some tires and finally decided to go with the 2011 RZR XP 900 since I'm sure it'll be the last off road vehicle that I'll ever buy...........I'm getting too old for that off-road crap!!

Anyway, an hour later we walked out of the shop...............much, much lighter in the billfold; but, with a 2011 Polaris RZR S XP 900 all locked up. Got some extras ordered and we'll go back to pick it up on Tuesday as we didn't take the trailer with us this trip. Found a little Mexican restaurant for lunch and headed home. Stopped at the casino and managed to spend another $12.00.........Becky was a little bit ahead so I gave her the remainder of my twenty bucks and let her buy lunch..........probably a good deal for me.

We had our first good rain of the year...........rained nearly all the way to Parker and they seem to have received more rainfall up there............the vegetation was even greener when we returned!!

From Yuma we can see an observation ballon floating around on a clear's about 50+ miles up the road at an Air Force Radar Station. Well, today we could see it from the highway and it was on the ground. Figured it would be a good time to try and get a closer look so took a little off road trip and Becky took a few pictures. They had the gates all locked up so we didn't get too close for a picture............anyway it's the white blob in the pic. Much bigger than we thought it was. Pics are the RZR, Buffy taking my money (honest, her name really is Buffy.......and I didn't even make any "vampire slayer" remarks!).

Picked up a couple of caches in Yuma when we gassed up and then headed for home. Boy, this Jeep just loves to burn gas...........I probably ran between 65 and 70 all the way up and back and my gas mileage was just a tad over 17 mpg. Kinda miss the Suzuki.

Well all for now. W&B

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Been A Month Or So Since Last Post...........

so guess I outta do a short one today. Been too busy searching for a Polaris RZR since I sold my Rhino a few days ago. Got some good advice to look for a good "used" one. If I can buy from a private party then I don't have to pay any sales I'm looking. Called a few dealers and talked to one of the local salesmen (actually saleslady) at the local shop and she said she'd point anyone my why who is trying to sell/trade a RZR. Still waiting. I'd like the 2011 RZR 900; but, would settle for a good 2010. Gave up on the Can Am's a first edition and I hear transmission problems are showing up on it.

We haven't been doing much lately except a little geocaching, still keeping our find a day alive and now I think we have 46 consecutive days with a find. Gotta go out later today and pick another one up. We did go over to El Centro last weekend and picked up a few, plus, we were introduced to a nice Mexican Restaurant out in the boonies. It'd be worth a drive back.......and I don't normally say that about Mexican food.

Had my glucose test and everything came out "normal" so no meds for diabetes at this time. Back to biscuits and gravy!!

Well, today is "do laundry" day so we've been cleaning up the M/H........well Becky has and I've been cleaning up the Jeep since our last outting. Both looking good right now.

Gotta go get some grub and do laundry later. So, later. W&B

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wednesday, I Think.............

and not much has still hanging in there in the 70s, casino taking and giving back a bit of our cash, geocache find streak now at 40 consecutive days and nearby caches are getting harder and harder to find.......well not to "find" but having to drive a bit further.

Sold my Suzuki to a couple from Rochester, WA and it is gone as of this morning. They wanted something to "go into the desert" and I told then the Suzy was an old veteran of the desert and should do them nicely. I shudda held off as they were the first ones to look at it......offered me $500 less than I was "asking" so actually worked out pretty well. Have the Rhino posted on Craig's List for Yuma and been getting emails with questions; but, no one has actually came to check it out. Good thing as I have it in the shop.........think drive belt was slipping the last time we were at Ocotillo Wells so having them check it out. If I sell it then I'm closer to a 2011 Polaris RZR or a Can Am Commander. They have them "in stock" at Parker, AZ.

Frank and Sue will stop by on Friday morning and we'll head for the desert for some caching.........there's a string of several hundred caches available, I've gotten most of them; but, they and Becky haven't so I volunteered to drive while they do the work of getting in and out of the car. Sounds like a plan to me.

Gotta get up early tomorrow and go in for a glucose tolerance test.........apparently the Witch Doctor thinks it time to do so. I went in this morning and found out that it will take about 2 hours so told them I'd be in tomorrow. Maybe this will provide the kick in the ass that I need to start watching the biscuits and gravy and all the other junk that I consume. Might even motivate me to dust off my mountain bike...........been hauling it around for the last 3 years and probably haven't logged more than 3 miles............that averages out to about 1 mile a year. Pretty damn good for me!

Gotta hit the pad and try to get some ZZZs as morning comes pretty quickly.......usually stay up until after midnight and then don't climb outta the sack until after 8 so might have a long day tomorrow.

Later. W&B

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Superbowl Sunday.........And We Went Caching..........

in California about 30 miles NW of Yuma........back to the Pacacho area. Used to be gold mines up there in them nothing but rocks. Here's a few pics of our travels, in the middle of the first collage is a sign with info about the Pacacho gold mine. We even found a lake up here, probably fed from the Colorado River..........but I don't know for sure. Second collage is of Pacacho from different angles. It's a big sucker and there's a cache placed on the top of it. It will forever stay unfound for us. Good things we had JJ and Larry as they made the hikes to some of the out of the way places. They disappeared over this little hill and we never saw them again. Maybe Big Foot got them. If they don't show up tomorrow we'll notify the authorities.

Lots of driving over rough roads for a couple of dozen caches; but, since Becky and I had never been this far into the area it was interesting. A person could spend a lot of time in the area if one were into rocks.

We got home almost in time for the Super Bowl game, we missed the first 3 minutes. Stopped at KFC to get our Super Bowl snacks and after waiting for about 10 minutes they told us they had ran out of "original" chicken and would we like to wait for about 50 minutes. I presume they had to go out and catch a couple of chickens for us. Got a refund and left. So much for KFC.

Well SB is over and I managed to lose two bets...........I'm not complaining because I dislike Rothlisberger; however, I did think the Steelers would win so bet on them anyway.
Well, that was our SB day.............temps in the mid 70s today! W&B

Thursday, February 3, 2011


in formerly warm and sunny Yuma!! Wow, it didn't even make it to 50 least I don't think it did. I even had to hunt up a jacket when we went out to dinner last night. Got electric heater running all night electric bill is going to be outrageous! If we can survive for another day the temps outta be back to the 70s on Saturday and Sunday and then continue next week in the low 70s. It's really been a rough 3 days for us in SW Arizona!

We managed to keep our geocaching find streak going..........even during the frigid weather........but, the nearby caches are running out and we have to expand our search. I'm about ready to call it quits; but, "B" wants to hang in there longer.

Celebrated JJ's BD last night at the was his actual BD as he's turning the double nickel. After dinner we decided to hit the casino since it was so close. I quickly lost my allowance of $20.00 and decided that they couldn't do that to me so invested another 20 and lo and behold I cashed in a ticket for $192.00. Not a bad stop.

Got a call from my doc's office today..........had periodic blood work done on Wednesday and now I gotta get a fasting test tomorrow............this is the Doc who is going to "kick my ass" if I don't watch the diet. Looks like he might have to.

Other than trying to stay warm we haven't done much the last few days...........cleaned up the Rhino after Ocotillo trip and damn thing wouldn't start today after I cleaned up the air cleaner. I finally figured out it wasn't getting any fuel as the fuel filter was dry as a bone.........lucky for me they installed a clear fuel filter for me so I could see it was "dry". Old WD40 spray worked as a starting fluid so got it running again. Maybe time to put it on the market.

Well, hope the rest of the world stays warm. Later. W&B