Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Over.............

On the Barry Goldwater Bombing Range......there a lot of
these old mines scatterred around. Larry and Wayne are
checking it out while JJ climbs the hill for a cache. Kinda
rough out here and Wayne is looking for the "road".

......and we chowed down with Char and Robert and family. Good company, good food and Char sent me home with a very large doggie bag. I'll have a couple of more Christmas dinners later this week. I didn't take any pictures..........check Becky's Blog, maybe she did. Weather was sunny, warm, no breeze and we had dinner many of you Northern Folks can say that. I think it made it to 72 deg. on Christmas Day!

Well, Sunday got here and what is there to do the day after Christmas...........why go geocaching of course. We loaded up the RZR and Rhino and were all set to go and were waiting for tbly. She had dinner with us yesterday and she's never late.............well we called her and found she was sick..........musta over stuffed herself with turkey and stuffings! Made a call to another friend and he said "sure" he'd go with us. So about 0930 we headed out for the bombing range. Long day, we got home about 1630 and 88 miles later. Another super day on the range, gentle breeze and sunshine!

We met a few other cachers on the range and they know how to cache...........they bring along their picnic lunch! Even though I'm sure we looked hungry they didn't offer to share. Met some "poachers" who drove over from the San Diego area to go caching. We know them from previous meetings and events and they were "eating" and enjoying themselves also..........again we left them still hungry. All in all a nice day, I think we picked up about 45 or so caches.

Got home, washed off about 3 pounds of dust/dirt and then B and I went out for dinner. We stopped at a Chinese Restaurant...........first time we've been there this year and it was pretty good. They have a daily buffet; however, it never seems to change. Good for one or two visits when we are down here and that's about it.

Nothing more going on, maybe check out a few stores tomorrow to see if they have any left over bargins. Later. W&B

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Here We Sit.........Battling Rain, Wind, Cold............. think you all up North have got it bad, why we didn't get out of the 60s today and last time I checked we had .05 inch of precipitation!! And the WIND.........unbelievable, some gust up to 15 mph today!! YUP, we got it bad.

Made our daily run to the Doc's Office and the B's nurse turned the dressing chores over to me. I had my handy dandy Leatherman Tool out in case I needed it; but, Suzie (the nurse) thought I should just use a Q-tip to take care of the job. Guess she was right. Anyway, we don't need to go back for another week. Still waiting for results of comparsion tests........they got the slides from Chico; but, no results yet so don't know if further treatment will be needed.

Tonight we met Larry & Audrey and JJ and Char for dinner at the Outback. They have a gift card deal going on right $100.00 worth of gift cards and they give you a "free" $20.00 card. Such a deal, I bought $200.00 worth and of course I'm not giving them away. So we got $40.00 worth of steaks to consume sometime between 1 Jan and 10 Feb. We'll use them up no problem. Tonight we even got a deal on New York steaks, buy the $20 one for $16.........such a deal. Normally, I'm not into New York cuts but this one was pretty good.

We're all invited to Char and JJ's for Christmas dinner so we'll be sharing their family again for Christmas. It's nice to have "family" scattered up and down the West Coast!

After dinner B and I went to the casino since it was just a couple of miles away. Bad move, the other day I won $ I gave $60 back to them. So it goes; or should I say, "easy come easy go".

Some old guy called me on the Suzuki yesterday and today he stopped by to look at it. He drove it and came back and said he had $3500 in his pocket. I told him I'd advertise it and see what kinda offers I got. He said OK, you still got my number. It might be worth more than I thought down here 'cause you just don't find them. They're a nice tow car behind you M/H.

Well, gonna sleep in need to get up and head for the Docs office.

Later. W&B

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Should Have Went Caching Today...........

instead of spending $$$s. We looked at this Jeep Liberty yesterday and stopped by again today. It's an "Old" one, 2003 model with 63,000 miles. Bigger motor, tow package and I'm sure it will haul the big trailer and Rhino w/o any problems. Anyway, I made an offer, got tired of them mulling it over and started to leave. Of course the manager chased me out the door. I finally agreed to $250.00 over my offer and the next thing I knew........we had a Jeep Liberty. The manager looked my Suzuki over and offered me $3,000 for it........he wanted it for himself. I told him no that I'd advertise it first. Then we are filling out paper work and the dude who does the paperwork offered me $3,250 for it. It's gotta be worth more than that so I'll wait and see. There must be a pretty good market down here for small 4x4s.

We spent too much time goofing off today, hit two casinos, saw B's nurse, bought a car, had Chinese for lunch and now Becky is crashing on the couch. She's doing better day by day..........I think we just did too much today for her..........she doesn't know when to slow down so I'll have to keep a better watch on her.

That's about it for today. W&B

Friday, December 17, 2010

Got Out To Dinner Tonight................

as "B" was feeling better. Still had to stop by the Doc's office this afternoon to have her incision irrigated and a new dressing applied. Looking better; but, we still need to go back tomorrow for more of the same. After visiting the nurse we decided to get a casino "fix" and on the way we stopped at JJ's office to shoot the breeze. He suggested going to the Outback for dinner and Becky said "OK", well I'm always ready for an Outback steak.

We went to the casino and I lost the rest of my weekly allowance..........then home in just enough time to turn around and head for the Outback. Nice dinner with JJ and Char and the evening was gone before we knew it. On the 17th, 18th and 19th a "Christmas Light" parade is going on. People with golf carts, ATV, dune buggys, Side x Sides, etc. decorate their rigs and parade around the area. Tonight they were in the Foothills and we managed to catch a glimpse of them as we were looking at decorated houses. We got stuck in traffic so missed the parade. Maybe we can find them tomorrow. There's a street about 4 or 5 blocks away where the home owners go all out with Christmas decorations. We'll have to tour it again when the light parade isn't causing congestion. Decorations are neat and the street has a Night Before Christmas Theme.

Don't know what's going on this weekend, weather is supposed to be back in the 70s and I'll probably go geocaching on Sunday with Larry and JJ. Becky is telling me to "Get the Hell out of Here!" so guess I'll probably go.

About it for now. W&B

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Cold, Wet, Windy.....Miserable Weather.......

today. We won't even make it into the 70s................BUMMER!! Temp right now is 58 degrees and might make it to 65 before day is over. Two days of this and we should creep back to the 70s by Saturday. Makes you feel sorry for us doesn't it?

Well, "B" was doing OK until she noticed a "red" area around her belly incision, we went in to the Doc's office yesterday and she has an infection in the incision. So he cleaned it out, left it open for drainage and started her on antibiotics. Gotta go back for the next few days to have it checked and the dressing changed. Don't know what we'll do on Saturday.......guess "Dr. Wayne" will have to assume the duties. Hopefully it will have stopped draining by then and all I'll have to do is keep the dressing changed. A little inconvenient; but, guess these things can happen.

First time "B" has been out for any length of time so we picked up some grub and then made a trip to the casino so we could get our "fix". Bad move, I lost my weekly allowance; and, since she wasn't carrying any money with her I had to back her $10.00 loss too.

That's about it for us at this time. W&B

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Time Seems To Be Move Slowly........

at least that what Becky thinks. She's getting impatient (big surprise) and wants everything healed up "now". Surprise, takes a little bit of time........which is something she realizes; but, bitches about anyway.

Still "street walking" when the urge occurs and she also spends time walking the length of the M/H........and that's only about 40 feet roundtrip so it takes a bit to accumulate mileage.

Have had friends stop by yesterday and today..........and today Ron and Kay brought COOKIES!! I know B won't be scoffing up that many so I'll have to give her a hand.

We're still having a heat spell (into the 80s for record temps) and maybe a bit of a cool down for the weekend. Even turned the A/C on yesterday afternoon in the bedroom........not much ventilation there. The engineers should have engineered an exhaust fan for the bedroom; but, they didn't.

Well, not much going on so "B" told me to "get out" and I think I might take her up on that. Need to get to the grocery store for a few things and the casino isn't too far out of the way.

Later. W&B

Sunday, December 12, 2010


and I'm slowly being worked to "skin and bones" as the drill sergeant keeps barking orders to rest for the weary. I even skipped the geocacher breakfast this morning so I could wait on her hand and foot if she woke up.............she didn't wake up until after the breakfast was long over! She's milking the situation to the MAX!

Actually, she's being a very good patient and complaining is being kept to a minimum..........although there could be some improvement in this regard. Weather has been great and she was doing some "streetwalking" the other day and it took me half a block to catch up with her..........of course I don't move very fast. All in all she's recovering quite well, although she thinks she should be feeling better faster. Got a Doc appointment about mid week and she should moving pretty well by then.

Well, that's about it for right now...........I'm going back to watching FOX news; been doing a lot of that lately.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Becky Out Of Hospital Today................

.......some of you may know and some of you may not know, she entered hospital on Monday after undergoing numerous tests since we've arrived in Yuma. She underwent surgery to remove a portion of the small intestine and the surgeon reports that "everything" was removed. That was the good news; but, we're still waiting for further tests to be conducted to see if additional treatment will be necessary. For now, everything is fine and I picked her up from the hospital about 1500................since then she's been giving me orders like a drill sargeant, talking on the telephone, playing on the computer and doing her breathing exercises on her little machine................with the exception of the little breathing gadget, everything about back to "normal".

I kinda thought she might be released today so this morning I drug my butt to the laundry and took care of the domestic chores..............naturally, I didn't get "all" the dirty clothes........apparently she has hiding places I'm not aware of...........I thought that the dirty clothes hamper was the place for dirty clothes. As I found out, it wasn't. Anyway I got most of the stuff done.

As you can see from the pics...........she "gained" about 18 pounds (gained ??? I don't understand that) and wasted no time in getting back to her routine. She'll be "cheating" Solitaire on the computer before the evening is over!

That's about it for now. W