Monday, June 28, 2010

Monday Morning.........

and I'm trying to get Becky moving..........I've been up for "hours", actually I have been, went to bed earlier than usual and woke up at 0430..........laid around around another hour and couldn't go back to sleep so just got up......been up ever since.

Today we're heading into Woodland to meet Wayne and Phyliss and we'll probably head toward Ape Cave near Mt. St. Helens. I haven't been there for many, many years........sun is out so it outta be a pretty nice day. We can even do some caching on the way there and there's an Ape Cave cache that we should be able to find. I don't think I'll be doing any hiking down in the lava tubes; but, I can hold down the fort if everyone else wants to go splunking. Gotta remember to take some flashlights!! Hopefully, I can get some pictures taken today.

Went into Vancouver yesterday and we ended up going out for Mexican food with Dug, Tami, Cass and Trace. Trace is a "cheap date"..........he only orders something to drink and then sits there and pigs out on "free" chips and dip..........he had salsa dripping down his chin and all over his shirt; but, he was happy.

Still looking for a little larger trailer for the Rhino and will probably head over to Portland on Wednesday. Found some on line so gotta see if they'll take the little Triton trailer in on trade.

Gettting ready to leave so maybe I'll some pictures to post later. W&B

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