Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bummer.....Never Made It To Ape Cave........

today either. I got up about 0500 this morning and found that I had to stick pretty close to the bathroom the better part of the morning. Finally, about noon, I figured I could venture out so Becky and I drove over to Portland for some "shopping". Finally finalized a deal for a new utility trailer, got it licensed and I should pick it up some time tomorrow. Will get it in time to load it up for our annual run to Coos Bay for our week in the sand.

We were going to try to make the Ape Cave run with Wayne and Phyllis tomorrow; but, they are packing up a day early and pointing their way toward Seattle. Probably a good idea to go now and they'll be settled in so they take in Geowoodstock for the long weekend. Don't envy them too much.........it's been awhile since I fought Seattle traffic and I'm sure it hasn't improved. Would like to drive up there on Saturday; but, too much to do to get ready for CB.

Stopped at Dug and Tami's and filled up on bar-b-que ribs before we headed back to Paradise Point. How to get out of there as Trace was working on me to take him to the fireworks stand. I'll let him stew until Saturday and then I'll probably break down and blow my allowance on 4th of July goodies. W&B

Monday, June 28, 2010

No Pictures.........

as our plans for the day changed. Called Wayne and Phyllis and Phyllis was feeling a little under the weather so we called off the Ape Cave trip. Will try again tomorrow.

Becky and I headed for Portland and we checked out some larger trailers. Found one that seems suitable so made an offer for it. The Dude wanted to check out the little Triton so gave him Dug's address and he was supposed to check it out this evening and call me back. He was willing to take it in on a trade and another dealer wouldn't. Don't want to go through the hassle of trying to sell it so will trade it if it checks out OK. Will probably pick the new trailer up on Wednesday.........it's 7 1/2 wide and 14 feet long with loading ramps so it should fill the bill.

Fireworks went on sale today so Dug took the neighborhood twerps to the fireworks stand.........good thing I wasn't around or else it would have cost me some $$$$s. Probably will anyway; but, not today.

Later.........maybe pictures of Ape Cave tomorrow.............the lava tubes are supposed to be the longest ones around.........something like 2 1/2 miles and they are the longest, continguous tubes in the Western Hemisphere, or so ses the propoganda on them.

More later. W&B

Monday Morning.........

and I'm trying to get Becky moving..........I've been up for "hours", actually I have been, went to bed earlier than usual and woke up at 0430..........laid around around another hour and couldn't go back to sleep so just got up......been up ever since.

Today we're heading into Woodland to meet Wayne and Phyliss and we'll probably head toward Ape Cave near Mt. St. Helens. I haven't been there for many, many years........sun is out so it outta be a pretty nice day. We can even do some caching on the way there and there's an Ape Cave cache that we should be able to find. I don't think I'll be doing any hiking down in the lava tubes; but, I can hold down the fort if everyone else wants to go splunking. Gotta remember to take some flashlights!! Hopefully, I can get some pictures taken today.

Went into Vancouver yesterday and we ended up going out for Mexican food with Dug, Tami, Cass and Trace. Trace is a "cheap date"..........he only orders something to drink and then sits there and pigs out on "free" chips and dip..........he had salsa dripping down his chin and all over his shirt; but, he was happy.

Still looking for a little larger trailer for the Rhino and will probably head over to Portland on Wednesday. Found some on line so gotta see if they'll take the little Triton trailer in on trade.

Gettting ready to leave so maybe I'll some pictures to post later. W&B

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Made It To Saturday..............

but just barely. Got the leak fixed yesterday and Winnebago said send the bill to them, they'd pay "reasonable" charges...........I guess this means I'll have to pay the service charge for the dude to come to us. Oh well, better than nothing.

Yesterday domestic day and we HAD to do laundry so went looking for a new laundromat........Becky had to have a "cleaner" one than the one in Woodland we have used in the past. We found one.........about 15 miles away.........yup, it was cleaner; but, it also housed a Tanning Salon so it was quite cramped............it was so cramped that I was making my way to a washer and a fat lady turned around, gave me a hip check and pounded me into the washer. I thought I broke a rib when I hit the washer and bounced (sorta) off! The dryers didn't seem to get too hot either and we had to feed in more quarters..............BUT it was a bit cleaner. Have one more laundromat to check out on the way to Dug's house so we might try that one next time. If "B" would just turn her skivvies inside out and wear them again we wouldn't have to do the laundry scene quite as often...........or maybe she can go to Good Will and purchase extra skivvies.

After the laundry episode we drove to Jantzen Beach and Becky bought a new Toshiba laptop, new wireless printer and a new mouse. I walked in, and must have been taking to the boss, and asked if they'd give me a mouse pad if we bought a computer. He said, I think we can do that and then called a flunky over to assist us. So, 15 minutes later we made our exit with some new goodies for Becky. Went to Dug's house and she set it up there and got it working. Windows 7 a little different............but she gonna have to figure that out for herself.

The real problem began when we got back to the M/H............absolutely could not connect to the internet using our air card and Cradlepoint router. She could use the air card directly plugged into her computer; but, router would not work. I messed with the stuff until after midnight and finally gave up. Thought it might not be compatible with Windows 7. I even starting to have problems with connecting with my computer. This morning I finally got my computer up and running and downloaded some new firmware for the Cradlepoint. That did the trick (I think).......anyway Becky is now connected to the router and grinning like a possum eating crap out of a wire brush. She should keep busy for awhile.........sorta like telling a blond to separate the w's and m's from a pack of M&Ms.

Got a guy coming to set up the KVH dome satellite dome and upgrade the software today.........a little spendy; but, he said the KVH is a pretty good system and has never had any comeback to him for further work...........so he ses. I guess I'll find out.

Will probably go into Vancouver after he finishes the work.

Later. W&B

Friday, June 25, 2010

Big Water Leak In Motor Home...........

.......well not so big; but, a leak anyway. Becky turned on the bathroom faucet and heard some water running, looked down and saw it running on the floor and started yelling that we had a leak. I didn't have any shoes on so by the time I got outside to shut the water off we had a nice little stream running toward the front of the M/H. Pipe cracked at an elbow leading to the intake part of the hot water heater. Fortunately it's easily accessible. There was a shut off valve in front of the broken elbow so at least we have water..............just no hot water. Gotta decide now whether to see if Winnebago dealer has time to fix it tomorrow or just call a mobile rv repairman. It'd be a PIA to have to unhook and then drive it across the river to Portland, plus it'd be about a 60+ or so mile round trip. Will figure it out in the morning.

Yesterday evening we joined Dug, Tami and Twerps for dinner at Ikea (whoever heard of going to a furniture store for dinner???). It was "Rib Night" and I gotta admit the food was pretty good.........at least for a furniture store. Might even have to go back.

Another sunny day today and we ran a few errands, filled a prescription and then went shopping for a new computer for "B". Checked Costco and then stopped at Best Buy in Oregon.........no sales tax there. We looked at a bunch of them and found a Toshiba that would fill the bill and reasonably priced. Decided to get a new printer also and of course Becky had to have a new mouse. Then the salesman went to get the computer and found out that they didn't have any in stock!! The computer, according to the salesman, had arrived less than a week ago. He said we could pay for it there and then drive to their Jantzen Beach store to pick it up. I told him to piss off............if we had to go to another store we'd buy everything there. Hope he's on commission.

Looks like Becky's new computer is on hold until we get the leak fixed and then if there's time before the bridge traffic gets backed up we'll head to Jantzen Beach.

That was our day..............later. W&B

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Geocaching and Eating Fish 'n Chips..........

again today...........Audrey and Becky went "shopping" while Larry and I opted to find a few more geocaches. Later in the afternoon we met at J's and pigged out again on fish 'n chips and a big bowl of clam chowder. Heading to Vancouver tomorrow so had to get our last fish fix!

Saw a little deer in our travels standing next to a deer statue.....at first I thought there were two statues standing there until the doe moved. Also saw Papa deer around the corner but didn't have the camera ready to take his picture. We were on some back roads where we had never traveled before and found this old "haunted house"............told Becky to kick in the door and see what was in it; but, she was too chicken. Found a nice old one lane bridge; but, Larry and Becky couldn't find the cache. I finally had to find it for them.

We also made a quick run to the Casino and Becky walked away with some of their money for a change and when she cashed in I was $8.50 ahead so I quit too..........had to get her out of there before she got the idea that she was on a winning streak!

Sunny day again and back in Vancouver the weather is supposed to be in the 70s for the rest of the week. Should be nice. Later. W&B

Did A Little Caching Around Lincoln City.........

today with Larry and Audrey. Rain has STOPPED and the bright, sunny day was terrific! Stopped by the fish hatchery to see Wayne and Phyllis and we headed for J's for fish and chips later in the afternoon. Then on to Depoe Bay to top the fish off with Tillamook ice cream.
There was a cache located in the little hole in the wall in the first picture.........we couldn't talk Becky into getting it so she took pictures instead. Boiler Bay was smooth as glass today........didn't see any whales though.
A great day to be on the Oregon Coast! Might do a little more caching today..........later. W&B

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Made It Back To Lincoln City.............

and sitting in Devil's Lake State Park (that's State Park Larry) with full hookups. Had little Honda generator running most of the time at Sand Lake; but, not the same as having full hook-ups.

We started off at a little wayside near the mouth of the "D" River in Lincoln City.......depending on who you want to believe, the "D" River is the shortest river in the U.S. Couldn't resist taking a picture of the Redneck Trailer or the "D" River.........this is the widest I've ever seen the river at the mouth.

Finally got to Sand Lake on Thursday and "B" and I went out onto the dunes..........I had aired up the tires when we left Corning and didn't air them down before we headed to the dunes (last picture) so I managed to not make it up the first big hill, rear wheels were spinning so I tried to turn back down the hill.............it didn't work and I managed to bury the Rhino. Four or five guys weighted down the left front of the Rhino so I was able to back out...........some idiot looked at me and suggested that I remove the flag and just roll the Rhino over down the hill!! And to think that guy is probably able to reproduce!

Cassidy and Trace took turns driving their little Polaris and seemed to be enjoying themselves. Trace has the heavier foot and isn't smart enough to slow down..........still the sand was wet and the little RZR couldn't make it up the big hill. It did OK just about everywhere else it went though. Doug added an exhaust pipe and air intake system so that helped out in the power department............now we gotta find a little more traction before we head to Coos Bay. Weather was great at the beach and it finally started raining last night and this morning.........that was OK 'cause everyone was heading home anyway.

Larry and Audrey showed up in Lincoln City about 1300 and we pulled in sometime after 1400. As it turns out there are TWO Devil's Lake RV parks and Larry and Audrey ended in the other one. No problem..........it's only a couple of miles away. Will probably try to do some geocaching tomorrow if the sun is shining, and it's supposed to be. All us Arizona people got together and had Pizza at the little pizza shack........it was pretty good pizza. Wayne and Phyllis headed for the barn and L & A and B and myself headed to the casino. Think Larry did OK; but, I managed to pay an outrageous price for a "free pepsi".

Well, got my MTV going and Becky has her internet so we're all set for the next two days. Heading for Vancouver on Wednesday and Larry and Audrey will be here until then too.

More later. W&B

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sitting in Devil's Lake State Park..........

Lincoln City, Oregon right now. Gotta mark down Space A20 to my list as there's an opening in the trees and the Dome locked onto the satellite with no problem.......so I have my MTV and the little air card is working fine and "B" is getting her internet fix. Big problems here though..........rigs are getting bigger and the itty bitty spaces are getting smaller from the foilage growing around them. Finally got backed in and a branch was rubbing the side of the M/H. Asked the ranger if they could trim it back......some other ranger shows up, looks at it and she ses "I can't do it right now.......got three other jobs to do........maybe tomorrow". I pointed out to her if wind picks up the branch will be rubbing the side of the M/H and asked if I could borrow a saw..........."Can't do that" was her response. The time it took to tell me why she couldn't do it was more time than it would have taken to hack the branch off! Go figure. When she left I threw a tiedown up onto the branch, pulled it down and broke/twisted it off. Looks like I'm going to have to add a tree saw or pair of loppers to my carry around arnsenal. We're coming back to the same spot on Sunday so I'd best keep my mouth shut and maybe they'll trim enough branch so I can open the slide on that side.

Our "free camping" at Spirit Mt. Casino last night was anything but "FREE". We didn't even go into the casino last night; but, went in for breakfast this morning. GREAT BISCUITS AND GRAVY!!! Rest of the buffet wasn't too bad either and the best part was mine was "free". We got there a few minutes before the buffet opened so "B" was playing a slot machine near the entrance and I stood in line. A lady standing in line starting hitting on me and offered me a breakfast...........seems she had a coupon good for two breakfasts and her old man wasn't with her. I said "shore.......I'd go for a free breakfast". I could tell that she had more than "breakfast" on her mind; but, it all fell apart when Becky shows up. Fortunately, the lady still shared her coupon with me..........then I had to pay for Becky. That was the only luck I had............breakfast and a free camping night cost me an arm and a leg, not to mention a lost opportunity,.............and the casino even gave us each $5.00 to gamble with. We're not going back to that one.........I don't mind losing a few bucks; however, I'd like a little entertainment with it!

We dropped the Rhino off at the Fish Hatchery where Wayne and Phyllis are working so they'll baby sit if for us. Got hooked up, long shower so now we're heading back out to the hatchery and we'll probably go out for some fresh fish and chips, clam chower and whatever at "J"'s.

Heading for Sand Lake tomorrow sometime. All for now W&B

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Saturday Nearly Gone...........

and we're getting closer to leaving.........none too soon as it's supposed to get into the 90s tomorrow, hot today; but, haven't looked at the temperature guage so don't know how hot.

Got the refrigerator loaded up...........just snapped my fingers and Becky hopped to it!

Went down to see Les Schwab this morning and they had time to repack the wheel bearings and replace seals on the trailer so it's good to go. Filled up M/H with propane and gas and since Flying J is now charging ten bucks to use their dump station didn't get tanks emptied. Will be OK until we arrive at Valley of the Rogue State Park near Grants Pass and will probably stay there overnight if they have any vacancies......if not I can dump there and we'll move on to Seven Feather's Casino south of Roseburg. Need to be at Camping World in Wilsonville first thing Tuesday morning to get Banks goodies installed on M/H. Should take most of the day and then we'll probably drive over to Spirit Mountain Casino and stay overnight in their parking lot........that is if it doesn't get too warm. Need to check weather forecast for that area; but, I'm thinking it'll be nice and cool. Have a reservation at Devil's Lake SP for Wednesday.

On to the sand dunes south of Tillamook on Thursday for three days and then back to Lincoln City where we have reservations for 3 days at Devil's Lake SP. Then it'll be fish and chips and dungness crab time!!!

We'll be able to spend a bit of time with Yuma caching friends, Beagle39z, after we leave Sand Lake.......that is if their summer job doesn't keep them too busy. They're working at the Fish Hatchery at Otis, just a few miles NE of Lincoln City. They've been having a bunch of "rain" so maybe we'll be able to bring a little sunshine with us when we get there.

That's about it for today.........need to recheck my list to see if I missed anything while packing.

Later. W&B

Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday Over............

saw my rheumatologist today so done with doctors for awhile. We were going to get underway tomorrow; but, weather advisory is going to delay our leave date until Sunday. We got North winds that won't quit and wind advisory is in effect though late tomorrow. Don't need to drive into 30 mph head winds if we don't have to........so will wait until Sunday when things are supposed to be calmed down.

Besides, we stopped at a bookstore in Red Bluff today so "B" picked up a bunch of paperbacks and she's got her nose in them until she finishes them. Couldn't even get her to load up the refrigerator in the M/H today. If I have to get the food ready to go all we'll have is hamburger and cheese to eat. I'll use that as motivation for her to get started tomorrow..........and if that doesn't work..........I'll employ "hussein's" method of kicking some ass. Of course, if I don't have any more success then hussein did, then it'll be back to hamburgers and cheese.

Dang, aired up the tires on the trailer and found one wheel showing some leakage through a seal...........will keep an eye on it when we leave on Sunday and hopefully it won't start to heat up. If it does, we'll be in s---t city and will have to try and get it fixed on the road. Will make some calls tomorrow and see if I can find someone to repack the bearings and replace the seals...........but doubt that I can find anyone on Saturday. Old Les comes to mind so will give him a call in the morning.

All for now. Hope to be in Lincoln City, Oregon on the 16th.............been a long time since we had some good clam chowder and fish and chips...............not to mention dungness crab!!!

Later. W&B

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Found Camera!.........

so thought I'd see if I remembered how to use it.....guess so.......even recalled how to post a pic on the Blog!

Weather been usually nice so far this year........interpret that as meaning it hasn't been in the 90s for any amount of time; however, weekend forecast to reach mid 90s. Fortunately, we'll be on our way North on Saturday......or maybe Sunday. Depends on how much more we have to do to get the M/H loaded up.

Been working on things a bit at a time and finally got the Rhino on the trailer yesterday, tire pressures checked, cubby holes cleaned up and reloaded. One more appointment with rheumatologist tomorrow and we should be good to go if I can motivate Becky into organizing the food department. She has now reorganized the kitchen cabinets for about the 5th time so we're guaranteed to not be able to find anything when we get on the road.

Think I'll unhook the M/H this afternoon, fill up the propane, dump the holding tanks and top off the gas. Bummer......Flying "J" is now charging to use their dump station! Ten bucks......if you have their RV card then you get one free dump and, depending on how much gas you purchase, it'll be $5.00 thereafter. They'll probably start charging to park in their lot next.

Happy Birthday Suzannah!!! You're probably as old as I am now.......huh?

Maybe I can take some more pictures and post them when we get on the road.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Long Weekend Over.............

and Washington Morris' back in Vancouver and Pearson's back in Woodland. "B" and I just kicking back (as usual) and starting to "think" about getting ready to head North.

Had nice breakfast Saturday morning with all the troops at the Casino buffet......."B" took a bunch of pictures and then erased them so don't have anything to post..........and I can't find my camera. However, Becky has starting to post on one of the blogs she started a long time ago and then abandoned.........she can post pictures on this one............so you might want to check it out:


The troops headed to Chico on Saturday with Becky as their guide so they probably got lost. I stayed home as I'm not doing a hellava lot of walking and "dog sat" the pup. We both napped most of the afternoon.

Sunday the troops headed toward Red Bluff and Redding.........."B" and I both stayed home, getting too old and feeble to keep up with them. Trace has to stop at every skateboard park that they find and I guess the one in Red Bluff is pretty nice. They even found a park in Weed on their way home.

Well, guess I'd better start on my "list" of things to do to get ready to travel. We should be heading out on June 12 or 13 and will meet up with the gang at the sand dunes near Tillamook, OR on June 17 or so.

Maybe I'll find my camera by then. Later. W&B