Friday, May 1, 2009

"Old Folk" Birthday Today............

We started at Dug & Tami's house and they presented Becky with a big bunch of roses. Everyone had to join in a picture and then Becky and I headed for Red Robin, hopefully to have seating for 10 before everyone arrived. Someone placed a little sign on the back of Becky's Sweat Shirt (????). Other pics are of our "Hamburger Dinner". The waiters/waitresses stopped by and sang HBD to Becky and then they brought her a large sundae for desert...........which we all ate. End of dinner, attendees the Morris Clan, Tami's brother Mark and his Sweetie and Old Friends, John and Charlene. Some lady offered to take the last picture and we all appeared in it.

"B" and I started the day by heading for the Mall...........things she bought a few days ago didn't fit so back to exchange them. This we got accomplished and naturally the items that would fit were now sold out. So off to another store and will I watched the "scenery" she was shopping some more. Back across the river to WA and I pick up the head light housings I had ordered for the Rhino. Dropped some stuff off at Dug's house and we came back to the park. She tries on the stuff she just bought...........naturally it doesn't fit properly.

About 1700 we head back to Dug's house and I find out the headlight housings are still the wrong ones. I'm having as much luck in my purchases as is Becky.

Everyone's home so we leave for Red Robin at 1800. Becky and I arrive first and I tell them we expect 10 peopple for dinner at 1830. Finally, about 1900 we get a table for 10. Food was pretty good for a hamburger joint and the waiter took real good care of us. Cassidy asked Becky to go with her and she had fun leading Becky around with her sign still on her back. We didn't tell her about the sign until we had finished dinner.

Fun dinner and we all ate too many french fries.

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